
Deputy Coroner’s findings

on Music Festivals


Deputy Coroner Harriet Graham delivered her final report at the Coroners Court in Lidcombe today. The report made 28 recommendations directed to the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, NSW Department of Health, NSW Police Force, NSW Department of Communities and Justice, NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), EMS Medical and the Australian Festivals Association. These recommendations included the establishment of a festival roundtable, a Drug Summit, pill testing in various forms as well as changes to policing at festivals.

General Manager of the Australian Festivals Association, Julia Robinson, attended each day of the inquest with the AFA appearing as an interested party. “We welcome Deputy Coroner Graham’s report and thank all involved for the careful consideration of the broad range of expert opinions. In particular, the care taken to hear from our young people as if they were experts in their own rights was really inspiring.’ 

“This was an extremely important process for our industry that will likely shape the future of festivals not just in NSW, but across Australia. It was a thorough review of all aspects of these six tragedies that found a complex problem, requiring a multi-faceted solution.’

“There is no one solution here. We need to work together to address this issue. One of the recommendations is for a roundtable to do just that. A Parliamentary Inquiry into Music Festival Regulations, the Inquiry into the Drug ICE as well as this Coronial Inquest into Music Festival Deaths have all recommended a roundtable. This echo’s the industry’s sentiment. We stand ready to work together.’

“These findings come just days before the new Music Festival Bill is debated in the Upper House. One of the amendments opposed by the Government is the inclusion of a roundtable. If this Government is serious about Music Festival safety, they would agree to legislating a roundtable before the summer season really kicks off.’ 

“We look forward to the NSW Government’s response after their consideration of all of the findings and hope to see the recommendations supported and implemented,’ Julia Robinson said. 


The Australian Festival Association (AFA) was formed to represent the shared interests and importance of the Australian festival industry. The AFA is committed to delivering safe and well-run festivals around Australia and providing a framework for industry operating standards. Our members are committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of festivals as thriving businesses, significant municipal events and sites of global cultural exchange in the interest of all Australians.



