Project Description


Interview with

(21 January, 2021)

Interviewer – Dave Bruce




Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you start writing music?
Yes I always wanted to do music since I was young, I started producing and writing when I was 18.

Which music did you grow up listening to? How has it influenced your current style? 
I grew up on a lot of soul music, Motown, James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Hall & Oates, the Be Gees. I think the way I think of melody and flow & structure that music has a large effect on it.

How would you describe your sound? 
My sound I would say is a mix of many people that influence my music background. I try to make every song different than the last so know one knows what to expect.

Why do you think people resonate with your music?
I make music with feeling so if the listener is able to feel what I felt when I made it I think i have done my job.



Your new single ‘Kazaam’ has just been released, describe its origin and evolution. 
I think Kazaam is a mix of my style of hip hop with a drill influence, with a 70s arrangement.

Do you have any more new music in the works?
I have recorded about 350 songs in the past 6 months so I’m ready to drop a lot this year.

Do you have any shows/tours coming up (once covid is over)? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
With covid everything is delayed but I can’t wait to get out there soon!

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why? 
I’d love to perform with Drake. I think he puts on a great show and his fans would except my music as well to feel the energy of audience.

What’s next for you in the near future? 
Right now staying low key and building a very strong foundation.



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What are your longer-term aspirations?
Only God knows! But I see a beautiful future of health, wealth, and success. 

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Pick your FAVOURITE:
Album –Kanye West – Graduation 
Artist –Little Richard
Movie – Step Brothers
Place to visit – Amsterdam
Venue to play – MSG
Food –  Chicken cutlets (NYC style)
Drink – Coffee
Person in History –  Michael Jackson 
Tattoo – My piece for my mother on my right arm




Check out SQUALE below







