Project Description



‘Embarrassed to know ya’
(Single Review)

Release Date

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Reviewer: Amelia Torresan



If you love those high energy, feel good songs with a rebellious and deep message, then you won’t be embarrassed to know Talitha’s latest single from her upcoming EP “Habits of Honesty.” The Gold Coast artist showcases her endless musical talents in singing, songwriting and production in ‘Embarassed to know ya’ with a pinch of badass feel. 

An ethereal, electric crescendo introduces the song, with a humming bass and airy vocables. Talitha’s vocals lead the humming bass into a drop, transforming the song into something almost completely different, a funky upbeat song that could be compared to the music of Zara Larson and Dua Lipa. Her vocals are clean and crisp, with Prince-esque, high register vocals in the chorus. This beautifully contrasts her vocals in the verses, which are in a lower register.

The acapella section right before the instrumental is introduced in the chorus makes the dynamics of the song interesting and engaging, highlighting the hook of the song. The addition of vocal echoes and harmonies from the first chorus onwards, making the song as a whole an overwhelming display of musical technique, keeping the listener fixated on the high volume of detail that makes the song incredible.




“Thought I wanted to know you, the exterior so cute”

Talitha states that ‘Embarrassed to know ya’ discusses “deepening relationships of all types where knowledge about each other moves from the surface to the inner,”  To me, the lyrics explore the concept of the ‘Three Faces of Self’ – the face you show to the world, the face you show to family and friends, and the face you show to no one. The song describes meeting someone who, although their outside appearance may be alluring, turn out to be completely different the more you get to know them. In this case, the true personality of the person is not as attractive as their exterior. 

Talitha explores deep themes of the realities of romantic and platonic relationships and identity, pairing it with ethereal electronic sounds, strong bass lines, and captivating, clear vocals. ‘Embarrassed to know ya’ has all the makings of a catchy summer hit that captivates the listener and has them singing along without even realising.   

‘Embarrassed to know ya’ will be in Digital Stores on the 26th of February

‘Habits Of Honesty’ EP will be released 26th of March


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Check out TALITHA below


