• Kiss


for solo piano



“Monique diMattina has reached that hallowed ground where influences and inspirations coalesce to produce a unique voice” Martin Jones, Rhythms Mag

“A touch, tone and sensibility only found in artists of the highest calibre” Dr Tony Gould AM

“Monique diMattina is one of Australia’s finest composers. Her music is divine” Clare Bowditch



TIDES is a stunning new album of solo piano compositions from one of Australia’s most accomplished and respected composers, Monique diMattina.

Echoes of Satie, Philip Glass and Lili Boulangère are present in this exquisite collection of piano miniatures, but the compositional voice is unmistakeably Monique diMattina – an artist whose six albums move freely from jazz/roots to classical worlds with rare mastery.

Monique, a Fulbright scholar and Yamaha artist, singer/songwriter, marathon runner and mother, has lived and worked in NYC, Europe and China, and is now based in Melbourne where she teaches in the VCA (Melbourne Con) and Monash University jazz departments.  Her ABC and RRR radio segment ‘Shaken Not Rehearsed’ involved writing a bespoke song in an hour to listener requests. She lives in Fitzroy, Melbourne with her two daughters.

TIDES is available on Spotify and for purchase as digital download, CD, Vinyl, and sheet music HERE

Monique diMattina performs TIDES at the JAZZLAB.club Brunswick, Sat 27 March 7.30pm



Talking points:

– Sheet music, like books, connects artists with fans across borders and history. In lockdown many home musicians returned to sheet music.  In the absence of gigs, Monique composed this album with sheet music delivery in mind – a departure for a musician known for virtuosic improvisation – to communicate with home players.

– The album name TIDES references meditation, watching thoughts and emotions flow in and out. Our mind thrives on uni-tasking.  Playing and composing music are an antidote to the relentless distracted multi-tasking of modern life.

– Monique’s TedX talk was on overcoming perfectionism in the creative process. Many studies have shown that crippling perfectionism affects girls more than boys – a problem Monique strives to correct in her work as a teacher and musical clinician.

– TIDES was composed during Melbourne’s 2020 lockdown, in between home schooling of two primary schoolers and teaching university classes on Zoom. It was recorded in one night, after hours at a piano store in West Melbourne.




