Project Description


‘You Can’
Single Review

(3rd June, 2021)

Reviewer: Amelia Torresan


Wishful Thinking


Australian punk rock band and self proclaimed creators of ‘happy songs about sad things,’ Wishful Thinking, have returned with their newest single ‘You Can.’ Following their previously released single ‘Time to be Alone’ from their last album ‘One More Time’ last year, ‘You Can’ follows their signature formula of fun and exciting beats paired with emotionally relatable lyrics.

Wishful Thinking’s style is on par with pop punk and punk rock artists that so many fans will effortlessly be able to incorporate their music into their current Spotify playlists. Lead singer Carl Jackson’s vocals are clean and crisp, allowing anyone to be able sing along to the lyrics of the song while headbanging along to the musical stylings of Lachie Jackson, Leigh Thompson and Alistair Elkins. The musical choices the band has incorporated into this new single, from the echo on the hook, the clean tone of the guitars and the upbeat rhythm provided by the drums, creates a song that is easy to listen to and destined to be memorable.

“Try as I may, I just can’t do the things that you can” 



‘You Can’ expertly tackles the topic of other people’s expectations and the effect it may have on an individual, particularly the pressure we put on ourselves to live up to those expectations. The song’s high energy in the verses perfectly replicate the high-stress and self-deprecating mental state that comes with being under pressure.

Wishful Thinking has a special quality about them that makes their music so intoxicating, most likely thanks to equal parts of relatable lyrics and the passionate musical performance that’s the driving force behind them. Wishful Thinking are like the Aussie version of Bowling for Soup: funky songs that are great to sing along to with lyrics that anyone will happily sing along to in the car; pop punk for grown ups.

If you’re a fan of Neck Deep, Bowling for Soup or Green Day, Wishful Thinking’s sound and messages are right up there along them. With catchy hooks and energetic instrumentals that’ll have you banging your head in time, ‘You Can’ is the pessimist’s take on optimism. Wishful Thinking has crafted a song that will make you want to keep it on repeat forever, and guess what? You Can!





Check out WISHFUL THINKING below


Wishful Thinking

A message from the team at Wishful Thinking:

“Hey Everyone

So these announcements feel pretty common now days; like many other tours ours has also been greatly effected with the recent lockdown extension in Melbourne.

Since multiple members of Wishful Thinking currently live in different states we logistically cannot make this work especially with what we anticipate will happen border restrictions in place once the lockdown ends.

Instead of just waiting and hoping the situation changes, we have decided to tour later in the year. An opportunity has come up for the band that we can’t wait to announce in the coming weeks. This however means that both Melbourne and Adelaide shows WILL be rescheduled. We ask that all ticket holders please hold onto your tickets for now. New dates are coming soon for what hope will be in August. Unfortunately this new opportunity this also means that Sydney and Brisbane shows will be completely cancelled – Sydney tickets will be refunded as soon as possible, if there are any issues please contact the venue and they will help.

We are also excited to mention that Drastic Park will still be involved in our touring plans. More will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Thank you all for understanding and we are sorry this has happened!

We hope what we have in store later in the year makes up for it


Wishful Thinking”
