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  • Start Your Own Cult
  • With Confidence
  • Cassidy-Rae
  • Shane Nicholson




Interview with

(17th July, 2021)

Interviewer – Dave Bruce




Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
Yes. Since I was little girl and I would watch Britney Spears on the tv, I knew I wanted to be a performer. Songwriting was always a part of me as well.. I’d find old songs I wrote when I was a little girl to express how I was feeling at the time and still do that.. just in a more mature, structured way.. haha. I think 16 years old was really when I started writing real full songs top to bottom.

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?
I would describe my sound as pop/rock/soul.. those are the genres that shaped me the most and I feel that is where my writing lays.. in all three.. intertwined. I hope that people get renewal and healing from the songs I write because I write with pure intention of experience and to provide clarity and strength. Music was always there for me in times of doubt, and I hope to provide the same for individuals who need a reminder they are not alone and they are stronger than they think.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
That’s a tough one since there are so many! I get inspired by so much and just by living in this lifetime and many others.. haha. I love Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Lana Del Rey, Camila Cabello, Billy Joel, Carly Simon.. there are so many who inspire me and I’m always watching the present day pop sphere. I love those who break the mold and aren’t afraid of who they are.. to be a true artist and sing and write from their heart.



Your new single/ has just been released/! Describe its origin and evolution.
Yes! When this song was written, it gave me a very vintage vibe.. a vibe of living many lifetimes with yourself and your lover. People can get distracted by the modern landscape of the beat and hip hop cadence.. but to me, it still feels timeless and I wanted to take it there. After all, beats were originally made from people creating rhythm from their environment. I wanted to build this world.. this environment where the music speaks and tells the tale of two lovers. Start off writing a love letter, sending it out with no address and once the song is played, it takes you back to that experience of being in love with that significant someone.. to display the power of the music and the power of a divine connection that can ripple through the universeno matter how far the souls are physically from each other, they are always connected. I wanted to bring it to the 1800s in Russia since my ancestors come from Russia and that was their age of expansion in the arts and romance. I wanted to make that come to life on screen.. to show the infamous faberge egg music box that is so big in Russia and be this catalyst to all the memories with her lover.

Is there an EP or Album on the drawing board?
Yes, this song Hear Your Love is part of my album, Dear Life. And as always, I don’t take too long away from writing!

Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
Planning some in the works! I’m so excited to see and hear things are opening back up so yes, very soon, going to be out performing this music and cannot wait to see and be in person giving a performance. There is nothing like being live and being in the room with each others energy!

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
That’s another tough question.. hm..Drake! Haha I always say that.. I just love the way our voices could blend.. and I love his confidence and his strength he’s provided for me over the years.



Photo by – Renee Farias



Do you have any long-term aspirations as a music artist?
Of course. But I let the Divine dictate my ultimate path.. the Lord always knows my heart and my purpose.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
The best thing is giving and putting on a show to people who are excited and engaged.. to feel your music and have it touch them in ways you didn’t even realize.. that’s why you do what you do and keep coming back. The highlight so far has been this video to Hear Your Love and having it chart 22 on Billboard.. that’s exciting and I’m excited to see where my music takes me.. as my writing and self evolves.. I have so much to share so I cannot wait!

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder
Artist – Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Lana Del Rey, Camila Cabello..too many to name
Movie – Butterfly Effect
Place to visit – California
Venue to play – would love to play Madison Square Garden just like my love, Billy Joel!

Food – Mediteranean
Drink – Tulsi Tea
Person in History – anyone that speaks the Lords word and means it from their heart and soul
Tattoo – (If you don’t have one, what would you get?) I like a clean body.. used to want one that said remain humble but I think everything I need to know is in my heart



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Press Release below

releases enchanting pop album
‘Dear Life’
 featuring single:




Everywhere she goes, Billboard AC Top 30 singer/songwriter Em carries a ring on her finger emblazoned with one word: Truth. This ring is a resounding symbol of her arrival into knowledge of self as a young woman who has been a recording and performing artist since the age of 12. Now in her `20s following stepping stone periods with several high-profile producers and engineers, New Jersey-born Em (short for Emily) is chiseling out musical and visual performance art that speaks one hundred percent from her heart and spirit.

Em’s otherworldly 7-song project Dear Life  finds her collaborating with producer Chris Young on a musical direction rich in self-empowerment. The mood-drenched material ranges from the hope-entrenched “Dear Life” to the perseverance anthem “Even When It Hurts”

The lead single of Dear Life is the dynamic “Say What You Mean” which is being presented with a sensually and supernaturally mesmerizing video helmed by Parris Mayhew. Dressed in a provocative gown, her raven hair streaked in white, deep red lipstick setting off bewitching green eyes.


“I feel the song is a universal message and represents the ethereal, emotional side of my writing,” Em states. “I’m a huge romantic and 100% ‘in’ when I’m in a relationship. ‘Say What You Mean’ is about wanting someone to love me with every fiber of their being…to be as sure of our love as I am. My video is a little reminiscent of Lana Del Rey in her storytelling and the way it portrays ‘The Divine Feminine’ in a cinematic style – women of today but through a `50s and `60s lens. Sometimes we go through a relationship where we shrink ourselves down for our partner but you wind up compromising so much that boundaries are crossed. For example, the morals and ethics of relationships today have changed so drastically. People say they’re ‘talking’ as opposed to ‘dating.’ The language is so weird now – less and less genuine. That line of ‘boundary’ also extends to my professional life as an artist – the honesty and confidence as well as the vulnerability and strength to show what I will and will no longer tolerate.”

“Music is a very spiritual experience for me,” she continues. “The raindrops represent teardrops and renewal – a cleansing of the spirit and what you won’t tolerate in your aura and around you. The tarot card is the High Priestess – a very feminine card representing women’s intuition…what we feel and what’s not being said. It’s knowing the truth deep down. The strength of that card is to rise above the state of confusion and gaining strength.”

Already preparing her next album, EMbrace: Heaven on Earth, Em will be working with former Motown songwriter/producer Michael B. Sutton (Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson). Em has also found a collaborator she considers to be her artistic soulmate: Gregor Stobie who resides in Glasgow, Scotland and is in the same mid-`20s age range as Em.

“We’re on the same wavelength,” Em enthuses. “We do international calls and are so connected. I can say something totally abstract and he will completely understand it – totally get it! It’s like he can go inside my mind and we totally read each other. I don’t play an instrument…but I can sing a whole song to him then we break it down and make something that doesn’t sound like anything else out there. We’ve already written a song entitled “Talk to Me” – about bringing your lover up to a heavenly realm then bringing that Heaven down to Earth. Heaven can be had on Earth if we get closer to God, to each other and living the way God intended – fruitfully with love, compassion, kindness, patience, appreciation and hope. Those messages play a large part of EMbrace: Heaven on Earth.”




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