Project Description



Interview with

(16th December 2022)

Interview with Dave Bruce




About ALBI.

ALBI. Brisbane, Australia’s most recent Singer-Songwriter to hit the music scene is nothing shy of a statement maker. Sonically Influenced by genres such as pop, R&B, house and Drum n Bass, you’ll find ALBI. to have an innate skill at writing catchy music that gets you feeling the vibes with infectious lyrics that get stuck in your head. Debuting her first single release ‘Vicinity’ in November 2022, ALBI. has set the bar with what listeners call a ‘crack-laced bop’ of a bass driven house anthem. Inspired by her personal experiences navigating love and life as a young woman in her 20’s, you can expect to hear more shamelessly honest and relatable lyrics with tracks that get you feeling all types of good vibes. ‘Vicinity’ marks the first of several singles to be released on a monthly basis, with each track bringing something sonically different than the last. You can find ALBI. On TikTok and Instagram where she regularly uploads engaging content for her steadily growing audience. Consider this a ‘watch this space’ if you’re looking for new music from a new artist you’ll love.



Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
I’ve wanted to be a musician ever since I could remember. The writing bug definitely kicked in during my teen years but I kept that all to myself back then. I also completed a diploma in music with a focus in songwriting to polish my skills and had the option of continuing to a Bachelor but found I preferred actually writing the songs instead writing assignments about writing the songs so here we are a few years later and I can’t stop waiting songs – it’s the thing I’m most passionate about.

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?
Apart from the fact that I like my songs to be full of energy, if you really listen to the lyrics, I’m just a gal being honest about her feelings, navigating life and a love life as a 20 something year old – which people resonate with because they’ve either gone through or are going through similar things. Outside of that I like my songs to be catchy, cleverly written and above all, easy to bop to so even if you can’t relate to the lyrics, you stay vibin’.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
The lists of artists that inspire me is ever changing. My biggest inspirations at the moment would be Kaytranada, Kali Uchis, Frank Ocean, The Weeknd, PinkPantheress, Brent Faiyaz and SZA – (how good is her new album!?!). Each of these artists are so different from one another but I love everything they create sonically, lyrically and visually, so I hope you pick up on the influences with what I create.

Your new single ‘Run’ has just been released! Describe its origin and evolution.
Would you believe it, the chorus to this one came to me in the shower – like a lot of my songs do. But it was inspired by a situation where my emotions were treated like a yo-yo by someone I cared about. The song itself went through a few evolutions – it started as an 80s’ pop – think ‘Is There someone Else’ by the Weeknd, and I liked it, but having a song called ‘Run’ that sounded like a brisk walk wasn’t going to cut it. I had been listening to PinkPantheress on repeat and thought I’d play with the uk garage/ drum n bass sound that I love so much and – ran with it if you will.

Is there an EP or Album on the drawing board?
Absolutely there’s an EP in the works. My goal at the moment is to keep releasing singles on a 4-6 week basis to build a bit more of a portfolio with an EP scheduled for the second half of 2023 – I also really want to show people that I’m not a one-genre kind of artist. Each single will be pretty different from the last, paying homage to the genres of music I love most sprinkled with lots of ALBI. flair. I love to keep people guessing what’s next so I’m itching to share everything I’ve been working on.




Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
The goal is to get some live shows in the works for 2023 but at the moment I’m focusing on getting more music out for everyone to enjoy. In the next few months you can expect more singles, more visually delicious content and I might be working on some cool merch as well.

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
Frank Ocean – no question about it. Firstly, as a fan I’m itching to see this man on a live stage again but as an artist, I was and still am heavily influenced by his work. Not only would it be a full circle moment for me but hello? Performing with THE Frank Ocean? I think that would be my life peak. I don’t even know if I could perform, I’d be so starstruck. Frank, if you’re reading this lets find out yeah?

Do you have any long-term aspirations as a music artist?
I want the tours, travelling the world performing my music, to work my way up to collaborating with the same artists that inspire me today but most of all, if I can make music that people enjoy and want to scream at the top of their lungs at a live show, I’ll be happy with that.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
Even though I’m only starting out, I was absolutely shooketh when I saw how many countries my first single ‘Vicinity’ had been streamed in. I’m currently at 56 different countries, some of which I’ve never even heard of! It feels insane for little ol’ me, making music from my apartment in Brisbane to have listeners literally all over the world on my first release.

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Channel Orange – Frank Ocean
Artist – Frank Ocean
Movie – The Lizzie McGuire Movie
Place to visit – I’m a homebody – I love coming home to my frenchie Enzo
Food – pasta made with love or sushi
Drink – bubble tea (pearl milk tea or passionfruit green tea with pearls and lychee jelly) Person in History – Prince – what an icon
Tattoo – (If you don’t have one, what would you get?) my first tattoo will be a portrait of my boy Enzo




Follow ALBI
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Press Release 16th December 2022 (below) HERE

releases infectious new single
you won’t

