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+ Towns + Bec Stevens
@ Corner Hotel, Melbourne,
18th May 2023
(Live Review)

Photos and Review by Michael Gow (Alchemi Glow Photography)



Kisschasy / Photo – Alchemi Glow Photography


It’s been many years since I’ve seen Kisschasy live. It was way back in 2006 at Croydon Park for Maroondah Festival where they played to an adoring crowd along with fellow bands of the time Trial Kennedy & Behind Crimson Eyes. Fast forward to 2023 and after a hiatus since 2015 Kisschasy came back and better than ever when they performed at Good Things Festival 2022. Following the Festival they announced they were returning for a Reunion tour and Melbourne, their home town, was given 3 dates on the tour. The first date sold out, the second and the third, which is this Saturday 20th May, wouldn’t be to far away. But I am focused on tonight, 18th May, as they take the to the Corner Hotel stage tonight. This night is part of Kisschasy’s Reunion tour and Melbourne is 10th stop on this tour. The crowd have been waiting for this night and Melbourne will bring its A game to what will be surely a fantastic gig. Kisschasy has been eager to get back out on stage to perform live again to their adoring fans.

First up to perform is Bec Stevens who took the stage at the iconic Corner Hotel. The is an air of anticipation in the room as the crowd fills the room when Bec Stevens took to the stage. 


Bec Stevens

Bec Stevens / Photo – Alchemi Glow Photography


Starting off the night Bec Stevens starts off with songs such as her song ‘Big Worry’ to get the night going. The energy in the room feels electric as the night starts to take off. Bec Stevens gets the crowd going with various songs about love and relationships and one song that was to do with a dear friend of hers who passed away. The crowd is mesmerised by Bec Stevens performance and it’s a good start in the lead up to Kisschasy taking the stage later tonight.



Towns / Photo – Alchemi Glow Photography


Following on from Bec Stevens is the energetic pop punk band Towns who a bunch of their songs and for my first time seeing them I was quite impressed by their performance. The energy in the room feels more and more electrified as the night starts to take off. Towns were cracking jokes towards each other which made the performance even more great. The drummer from towns very much reminded me of Animal from The Muppets with the way he was bashing the drums if you know who animal is you’ll understand. If not go look him up on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean.

Later on in the set Towns brought up a few guests including opening act Bec Stevens to perform a cover of Blink 182’s ‘Adam’s Song’ which went off really well with the crowd. But it was time for Kisschasy to take the stage the band we were all here for.



Kisschasy / Photo – Alchemi Glow Photography


Kisschasy finally takes the stage with cheers and celebration from the crowd where they kick it off with their songs ‘The Perfect Way To Meet’ followed on by songs such as ‘Strings and Drums’, ‘Revolution Wednesday’ to get their night off to a great start. They continued various songs from all their catalogue through out the night ending with a solo performance by Darren playing ‘The Shake’, ‘Dinosaur’ and ‘Black Dress’. During the performance of ‘The Shake’ Darren stopped to say something to the crowd then briefly started before concern fell over the crowd as he noticed someone who needed attention. Moments later he took to the microphone saying “I Think she’s ok”. The performance started again with the songs ‘Dinosaur’ followed by a solo performance of ‘Black Dress’, then the rest of the band came out half way through the song to finish it off as the full band.

One song they treated us with was the song ‘Darkside’ from their earliest EPs which apparently had not been played live for years if at all prior to this tour.



Kisschasy / Photo – Alchemi Glow Photography


Throughout the night it was like the band had not stopped playing live together before this tour. It looked as though they were still having fun and enjoying touring like they’d never left.

As Darren’s solo set finished the band disappeared off stage but we all knew they were coming back for an encore. You could just feel it. The band re-emerged moments later to finish of the night with three of their biggest hits – ‘Do Do’s and Whoa-oh’s’, ‘Spray On Pants’ and ‘Opinions Wont Keep You Warm At Night’ off their sophomore album ‘Hymns For The Non-Believer’.

Nearing the end of the night Darren said something to the crowd followed by “This may be the last time you see us live” emphasising “May” a couple of times. So who knows will we see them again after this tour. We will just have to wait and see.

One last thing Darren mention was that he was off to the famous Cherry Bar to do a DJ set to finish the night off.

If you missed out on them this tour you’ll be kicking yourself.



Kisschasy / Photo – Alchemi Glow Photography


Check out Alchemi Glow Music Photography’s full gallery of this event HERE







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