Project Description

The Totem Spirit Animals


‘Get My Groove’
Single Review

(4th September 2023)

Review by Melanie Griffiths


The Totem Spirit Animals


There’s got to be something in the Fremantle water. The port city in WA has produced some of the most interesting and eclectic artists like Spacey Jane, Tame Impala, Eskimo Joe and now The Totem Spirit Animals. The duo of Edward Bouchard and Nic D’Adamo have forged a creative collective to deliver a unique sonic tapestry. Their new single “Get My Groove” is a delectable tasty morsel of dance and electronica that hints at the depth of their experience and musical talents.

“Get My Groove” is the culmination of Edward and Nic converging their musical paths to create something unique. The track possesses a distinctive sonic signature that seamlessly merges a kaleidoscope of influences into a captivating auditory journey. With inspiration taken from groups like Wilco, Smashing Pumpkins, and Infected Mushroom “Get My Groove” doesn’t walk to the beat of just one drum. The vibe can be described as a distinctive fusion of electronic pop, dance, and synth-driven melodies, creating an infectious and vibrant track.



At the heart of The Totem Spirit Animals’ sonic palette are their intricately layered synth arrangements that shimmer and pulse with an unmistakable energy. These synths create a dynamic backdrop, punctuated with a blend of retro and futuristic tones, evoking a sense of nostalgia while remaining thoroughly modern. Their use of glitchy textures and pulsating rhythms lends an entrancing quality to the track, compelling listeners to surrender to the infectious groove of this earworm.

The Totem Spirit Animals’ sound is a sonic journey that bridges the gap between the introspective and the hedonistic. With a masterful command of production techniques and an innate sense of melody, “Get My Groove” is bright electronic music that sounds uniquely their own. A debut album is peeking over the horizon, so before then get acquainted with this alluring serve of Aussie electronica.


The Totem Spirit Animals


The Totem Spirit Animals.

The Totem Spirit Animals.

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The Totem Spirit Animals.

Press Release 28th August 2023 (below) HERE


A lifeline of hope
and rhythm from

