Project Description

  • Jebediah


Behind Crimson Eyes.

+ Catholic Guilt + Cordiform
@ Stay Gold, Melbourne,
29th September 2023
(Live Review)

Review and photos  by Michael Gow (@alchemi_glow_music_phot)


Behind Crimson Eyes

BEHIND CRIMSON EYES, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot


A Night of Nostalgia and New Beginnings

Tonight marked a special evening at Stay Gold, where we gathered to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the touring company, Destroy All Lines. It was also an occasion for those in their 30s and 40s to reunite and relive their youth, basking in the performance of one of their beloved bands from the early 2000s: Behind Crimson Eyes.



CORDIFORM, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot


As the night commenced, Melbourne-based Cordiform graced the stage, and a curious crowd began to assemble. This band might have been unfamiliar to many, but as their set unfolded, heads started to nod in sync with the infectious Pop Punk vibes. Cordiform exuded boundless energy, with band members leaping and twirling about, leaving the audience captivated and intrigued about these enigmatic performers. Formed in 2022, Cordiform’s passion for bands like Neck Deep, Trophy Eyes, and The Story So Far was palpable, and their live performance mirrored the vigor of those esteemed acts. Their setlist included original compositions, punctuated by a spirited cover of The Fray’s “How to Save a Life,” which effectively stoked the audience’s anticipation for what was yet to come.

Following Cordiform’s exhilarating performance, Melbourne’s punk and alternative rock stalwarts, Catholic Guilt, took the stage. It wasn’t my first encounter with this band; I had previously seen them at the Full Tilt Festival, recognizing their potential for future greatness. Fast forward to 2023, and here they were, gracing the lineup for Destroy All Lines’ 20th Anniversary gig at Stay Gold.



CATHOLIC GUILT, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot


Catholic Guilt commenced their set by paying homage to indigenous people before easing into a soulful, slow-paced track. However, as their performance progressed, they cranked up the energy, both on stage and within the crowd. By this point, the audience had surged forward, congregating at the front of the stage. It was evident that many devoted Catholic Guilt fans were present, eager to witness their heroes in action.

The band showcased several tracks from their EP, “This is What Honesty Sounds Like,” before delving into a selection from their debut album. Lead singer Brenton Harris shared a poignant moment, speaking about the impact of drug addiction on a friend’s life, leading the band into their emotionally charged song, “Paper & Ink.” The song effortlessly conveyed the turmoil and emotions associated with such an experience, connecting deeply with the audience.

With just ten minutes left in Catholic Guilt’s set, they humorously realized they had to squeeze in their final three songs. The drummer playfully unleashed blast beats on the drums, while Brenton jokingly suggested they play the songs at an accelerated pace to meet the time constraints. Their concluding song for the night, “Song of the Renter,” was dedicated to their devoted fans in the audience, as well as everyone else, including the venue staff.


Behind Crimson Eyes

BEHIND CRIMSON EYES, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot


The moment everyone had eagerly awaited had arrived – Behind Crimson Eyes took the stage for the first time in five years. Who knew when they would grace us with their presence again? For now, though, fans like us were ready to savor every fleeting moment of their performance. Nearly two decades had elapsed since I first witnessed them at my local festival in Croydon, Victoria, alongside acts like Kisschasy and Trial Kennedy. Remarkably, their lyrics had never faded from my memory, consistently resonating through the years via CD players and streaming services.

The setlist for the night spanned their illustrious career, encompassing many of their chart-topping hits, including “The Art of War,” “The Black Veil,” and “Empty Promises.” The nostalgia hit the 30 to 40-somethings in the audience hard, with fans passionately belting out lyrics in unison with the band. There was a magical moment when the music ceased, and the crowd was entrusted with an a cappella rendition, which they delivered flawlessly. Each moment was cherished, although a brief pause ensued as an incident in the crowd was swiftly addressed, ensuring the night could continue without a hitch.


Behind Crimson Eyes

BEHIND CRIMSON EYES, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot


Behind Crimson Eyes delved into other beloved songs from their catalog, including “Bullets for Blood,” “Sorry Doesn’t Cut It,” “You Had Your Chance,” and “Sex Lies & Homicide.” As the night progressed, the stage lights dimmed, and a backing track played twice, signaling an encore. The band obliged, remaining on stage to deliver two encore performances. The night culminated with their iconic hit, “Shakedown.” As the band departed the stage, a chanting crowd clamored for one more song, but alas, that marked the end of an unforgettable evening.

In retrospect, it was a spectacular night, blending cherished nostalgia with new beginnings, courtesy of the emerging talents of Cordiform and the enduring prowess of Catholic Guilt. While I anticipate seeing Behind Crimson Eyes again in the future, I’ll carry the memories of this extraordinary night with me, complemented by the perpetual soundtrack of their music, enriching my daily life.


Behind Crimson Eyes

BEHIND CRIMSON EYES, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot


Check out Michael Gow’s (@alchemi_glow_music_phot) full gallery of this event HERE




Behind Crimson Eyes

BEHIND CRIMSON EYES, Melbourne, September 29, 2023 / Photo – @alchemi_glow_music_phot




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