Project Description




“Plague Of Locusts”
Album Review

(26th October 2023)

Review by Michael Gow




Stream: HERE

Vinyl order: HERE

‘Plague Of Locus’ EP released independently and out now!



Track 1 – ‘Intro’: An eerie, haunting opening sets the stage, resembling a heartbeat, layered with an unsettling suspenseful ambiance, occasionally punctuated by ghostly voices in the backdrop.

Track 2 – ‘Sono L Anticristo’: This track bursts forth with relentless blast beats, a breakneck pace, and chilling, whispered vocals that soon give way to powerful, guttural growls. At just over three and a half minutes, it’s a whirlwind of energy. The lyrics, seemingly in Latin, evoke a palpable sense of anger, transitioning from screams and growls to occasional cleaner vocals. The emotions are conveyed even if the words remain indecipherable. It’s a stellar album opener that leaves you eager for what’s to come.

Track 3 – ‘Asteroid’: Starting with vocalist Cain’s rapid delivery amid crashing drums and guitars, this track leads into a symphony of strings and percussion, with the guitars imitating vinyl scratches. It’s a more conventional metal composition compared to the preceding track, a song that could easily whip a live audience into headbanging frenzy. The band’s instrumental prowess shines through, showcasing their cohesion and individuality.

Track 4 – ‘Angry Chair’ (AIC Cover): Covering an Alice in Chains classic is no small feat, but The Amenta delivers a rendition that pays homage to the original while infusing it with a darker, death metal vibe. It commences with an eerie, industrial-like introduction, and Cain’s vocals take the spotlight before the rest of the band joins in. They manage to maintain the essence of the song while giving it a unique twist.

Track 5 – ‘Plague of Locus’: As the title track of the album, there’s a natural expectation for this to be a standout. It kicks off with a heavy grunge-like vibe reminiscent of Alice in Chains, connecting with the cover in an intriguing way. The song’s anthemic quality and Cain’s piercing vocals make it feel like a battle anthem for mythical creatures, with moments of grunge interspersed with a death metal edge and explosive blast beats. This choice for the album’s title is justified.

Track 6 – ‘A Million Years’: This track resembles the sonic landscape of a spaceship, filled with alarms and strange noises. After two minutes, it becomes evident that this is a long intermission of abstract sounds and guitar squeals.

Track 7 – ‘Crystal Lakes’: Unexpectedly, the song launches into high gear with furious guitar riffs and relentless blast beats. As the lengthiest track on the album, it offers a dynamic journey. Cain’s vocals maintain their intensity throughout, and the music paints vivid imagery of a battle in progress. The ebb and flow of the music mirrors the shifting tides of the conflict, evoking both villainous dominance and the hero’s resurgence.

Track 8 – ‘Rise’: Being the shortest track on the album, this song lasts for just two minutes and fifty-one seconds. The drums exhibit a different rhythm, and Cain’s screams take centre stage, creating a spellbinding incantation to conjure a demon. The song weaves a captivating narrative in its brevity, leaving you yearning for more.

Track 9 – ‘Totem’: Returning to the familiar territory of blast beats, this track continues the theme of summoning an otherworldly entity. It alternates between slow, spoken interludes and high-speed, chaotic sections. The band’s cohesion shines brightly here, making it a standout and a personal favourite.

Track 10 – ‘Black God’: As the album’s closing track, it begins with eerie electronic sounds, building up to a grand finale. The initial voices resemble a choir, with Cain’s vocals layered over a simple drum beat. This song’s slow pace and undeniable sense of conclusion make it a fitting choice to wrap up the album.

In conclusion, “Plague of Locus” is a solid album, and personal favourites include ‘Totem,’ ‘Angry Chair,’ ‘Crystal Lakes,’ and ‘Black God.’ As an introduction to The Amenta’s music, it’s been an exhilarating journey, and I’m grateful to have been a part of it.

Score: 8.5/10



Australian Tour 2023

November 16th – Sydney, Crowbar w/ LO!, Golgothan Remains, Society Of Cutting Up Men
November 17th – Melbourne, Stay Gold w/ LO!, Golgothan Remains, Munt
November 18th – Adelaide, Froth & Fury Festival
December 1st – Brisbane, Soapbox w/ LO!, Resin Tomb, Malignant Aura
December 2nd – Perth, Amplifier w/ Crypt Crawler, Ashen, Doomcave

Tickets on sale now from






Press Release 19th October 2023 (below) HERE

release KILLING JOKE cover track

New EP Out Now!

+ Australian Tour
Nov 16th – Dec 2nd
