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Interview with

(2nd September, 2024)

Interview with Dave Bruce


Watch to the full interview below


Dave Bruce, Amnplify: This is Dave from Amnplify, and I’m here with Kian, ready to dive into his journey through music and life. Let’s start from the beginning. Did you always want to be an artist? You started young—when did the songwriting bug bite you?
Kian: You know, it was never something I actively pursued, like, “I want to be this or that.” I’ve always just floated along, doing whatever I was obsessed with at the time. Music came naturally, mainly because of how I was raised. There was so much music around me growing up, with siblings into dance and other artistic things. It wasn’t until high school that I actually tried writing my own songs. Before that, I just sang in my own time, nothing serious. I had a guitar, knew a few chords, and that was it—humble beginnings. But once I got into a studio and made my first song, I realized that maybe I had something special, something not everyone could do.

Dave: Absolutely. You mentioned the importance of living in the now, embracing the moment, which is something a lot of people struggle with, especially in this social media-driven era. Your perspective seems almost like that of an old soul.
Kian: Funny you say that—my name actually means “old soul.” I do spend a lot of time thinking, maybe too much, which is part of being a creative, I guess. But it can pull you out of the moment. I try to remind myself to embrace what’s happening now. Life is unpredictable, like falling through the sky—you can’t control it. It’s all about perspective, staying present, and being mindful of both the highs and the lows.

Dave: Castlemaine, your hometown, seems to have played a big role in shaping you. How did growing up in a small country town influence your music, especially when you won the Triple J Unearthed in 2018?
Kian: Castlemaine is a unique place—lots of talented people in music and sports. It’s a small town mentality, though, where it’s easy to get comfortable and hard to break out. Some people see their town as the whole world, and it’s tough to show them something different when they already know you so well. But it’s also a place that has shaped me in many ways. Moving from Castlemaine to Sydney was a shock—a different pace entirely. But now I’m back in Melbourne, where I grew up, and it feels right to be here, slowing things down.



Dave: Speaking of different places, you’ve traveled overseas—how does that compare to life here in Australia?
Kian: Yeah, I’ve been to New York, LA, Paris—all those places are crazy in their own way. But there’s so much culture and so many people. It’s different from Australia, where you can only reach so many people before you hit a limit. But even though the experience is different, it’s all about presence—being in the moment, wherever you are.

Dave: Bringing it back to your music, how would you describe your sound?
Kian: My sound is very genre-blending. It’s mostly pop, but there are elements from 90s and early 2000s rock, indie, and alternative music. I’ve experimented with different genres over the years, but with this album, I finally found the sound that feels right. It’s inspired by bands like Bloc Party, Smashing Pumpkins, and The Pixies—elements that I love, like guitar tones or lyrics, things that make me feel good.

Dave Bruce: If you can perform with any music artist alive or dead, but if you nominate someone dead, we’ll assume they’re alive for the performance. Who would you choose and why?
Kian: It’s a really hard question. You’ve got thousands of years to choose from. I think someone like Prince would be amazing, just because he’s an incredible musician. I’ve heard a lot about him, though I never got to see him live. People say it was a life-changing experience. Absolutely unbelievable. But there are so many people I’d love to perform with. I always say a dream person to work with, or even just to sit down and ask questions, would be someone like Pharrell Williams. He’s done so many things and been so influential to many creatives and artists I love. I’d love to pick his brain for a bit.

Dave Bruce: Who would you say you mimic, or if someone wanted to see a Kian show, what would you say it’s like?
Kian: That’s a hard question. I feel like I need other people to answer that. I think it’s unique, but I don’t try to be anyone but myself.



Dave Bruce: What are your long-term aspirations?
Kian: My long-term aspiration is to be happy, man. That’s the end goal. It’s what everyone’s chasing. It’s hard as an artist because no matter what achievements you get, it’s never good enough. There are goals like winning awards or playing big festivals, and that’s awesome. But ultimately, I want respect from the people around me, to be respectful to others, and to find happiness.

Dave Bruce: What advice would you give to someone starting out now?
Kian: There’s no rush. That’s the advice I always give. I kind of wish I knew that when I was younger. I felt like I needed to release music immediately. But it’s important to build a foundation first, whether it’s music or an audience. Start with something solid underneath you, so when you start climbing, you don’t keep falling down.

Dave Bruce: Especially in this TikTok age, where everyone wants numbers.
Kian: Exactly. If a thousand people see an unprepared platform, they’ll see the worst of you rather than the best. It’s better to wait until you’re ready, with everything in place, so when people come, they get what they’re after. Being proactive is always going to be better for you. You can plan things better, and they’ll happen the way you want.

Dave Bruce: Quick questions to finish. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Kian: Skydiving. I got peer-pressured into it, and I was terrified. There’s a photo of everyone smiling, and I’m in the back with the most deadpan face. The moment we jumped out of the plane, I didn’t take a breath until the parachute opened. It was traumatic. I never want to do it again.

Dave Bruce: What’s the one topic you can talk about for hours?
Kian: Music, definitely. But I’m also a bit of a nerd, so I love video games, Lord of the Rings, and random stuff like that. I have ADHD, so I like talking about a lot of different things.

Dave Bruce: What’s the thing you like most about yourself?
Kian: My imagination. I haven’t lost it since I was a kid. I think it’s because of my ADHD.

Dave Bruce: How old are you now?
Kian: 22.



Dave Bruce: Favorite album?
Kian: It’s hard to choose, but the first CDs I ever had, which my mum gave me, were Demon Days by Gorillaz, Fly or Die by N.E.R.D, and Nevermind by Nirvana. Those albums have been really influential to me.

Dave Bruce: Favorite artist?
Kian: Probably Pharrell Williams. He’s been influential to many of my other favorite artists. He can rap, make rock music, R&B, and pop songs. He’s just incredible.

Dave Bruce: Favorite movie?
Kian: I’ve probably watched the Lord of the Rings series the most in my life. I was addicted to it as a kid. But another movie that really hit me emotionally was Lion. It was the first time I cried in a cinema.

Dave Bruce: Favorite place to visit?
Kian: Rekindling with family, like visiting my dad’s family in Echuca. I also love places with good food, like spots around Melbourne or back home in Castlemaine.

Dave Bruce: Favorite venue to play?
Kian: The Forum. I supported Jorja Smith there, and it was amazing. It’s a beautiful venue, and it would be a big moment for me to headline there.

Dave Bruce: Favorite food?
Kian: Anything with chicken—whether it’s curry, fried chicken, whatever. I also love Middle Eastern food.

Dave Bruce: Favorite drink?
Kian: Just water, man. I’m a big water guy.

Dave Bruce: Favorite person in history?
Kian: I’d say family, like my grandparents who came to Australia from Albania. I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing without them.

Dave Bruce: Favorite tattoo?
Kian: I have the shqiponja from the Albanian flag on my arm. It’s my favorite.

Dave Bruce: Thanks, brother. This 15-20 minute interview turned into 45 minutes!
Kian: But it was a good 45 minutes. Let’s do it again in a couple of years!


Follow KIAN


Watch to the full interview below


Press Release 20th August 2024 (below) HERE

announces debut album
out Nov 1


+ Releases new single






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