Project Description

Dean Abbott


Single Review

(9th September, 2024)

Review by Melanie Griffiths


Dean Abbott


The mediumistic cover art of Dean Abbott’s latest single, “Walk That Line” features Abbott’s lone figure walking through the chasm of life’s yin and yang. It’s the beauty of a song that glimmers with savvy production choices and lyrics that will make you feel ready to conquer the world.

The singer/songwriter has been on a journey of self-discovery since the release of his first EP when he was 21. Three albums later Dean has evolved into an artist who values compassionate storytelling and soulful intention in his lyrics. “Walk That Line” is an indie-folk track that revels in simplicity while wrapping itself in a warm golden glow of hope.

Opening with a gentle strum, Dean draws you into an inviting sonic space. There is a sense of nostalgia underpinning the song with an acoustic guitar that delicately drives the melody. A persistent percussion adds a layer of depth without overwhelming the arrangement which also features subtle frequency changes throughout. You can see the cogs turning in Abbott’s head to create a song that evokes a genteel atmosphere, like a dusk-lit drive through the countryside with no destination in mind.

Lyrically, “Walk That Line” explores themes of fearless discovery and stepping into the unknown. The chorus, simple yet poignant implores us to not live in the past and live for the now. His music evokes the laidback vibe of Angus & Julia Stone with the nuanced storytelling of Iron & Wine or Bear’s Den. It’s music that manages to blend a folk sound with a modern edge.

Overall Dean’s crafted a song that doesn’t push boundaries but it doesn’t need to. “Walk That Line” is comfortable in its own skin–a mellow, meditative piece that invites the listener to pause and reflect. It’s a slice of serenity that whispers in your ear that you have what it takes to be great.




Business owner from 19 years old, Dean has always been self motivated and not afraid to go into the unknown to create the life he desires. Dean started writing songs at the age of 21 where an opportunity came up for him to release his first EP “All The Leaves”.

That ignited a spark within his creativity which has gone on to release 3 more albums since. Through his soulful tone and mellow vibe, Dean shares messages of love and compassion through his story telling songs.


Dean Abbott




Press Release 26th August 2024 (below) HERE

releases new single

