drops a silky soulful new single

‘Let’s Get Naked’






Sydney soul crooner Isobel Galloway strips back on new single ‘Let’s Get Naked’ produced by Taka Perry.

Smooth and sensual, crippled with lush vocals, ‘Let’s Get Naked’ is a vulnerable and honest offering about celebrating the literal sense of being naked and enjoying the freedom of it. The direction Isobel aimed for was a silky soulful style with a little bit of a twist

On the single, Isobel said, “The track is about stripping back the layers, the masks that we have built up and getting down to the realness within us. Cutting the bullshit basically,”

“I had been thinking about how people are walking around trapped in fear, masking themselves, afraid to be authentic, afraid to be real. We all crave real connections yet it can be so hard to be vulnerable and open.”

The single was inspired by Isobel’s own personal journey with her relationships and seeing the people she loves stripping back their layers to reveal who they really are.

A poignant artist rising through the ranks with her formidable vocal prowess, Isobel has found a voice that is unfailingly her own, filled with promise of individuality and vulnerability that will leave a long lasting connection. Inspired by the likes of Amy Winehouse, Maggie Rogers, Etta James and her peers, Isobel’s music career spans over 15 years.

Whilst relatively new to the scene, Isobel shows no signs of slowing down. Her previous single ’Don’t Mess With Me’ garnered love from tastemakers across the globe and was ia stunning example of what’s to come from the star.





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