release new video








Introducing Sydney newcomers PEY PEY & JËVA, landmarking their place on the scene with their pop ballad classic, Falling, the video is set for release on the 30th of June but specially available for you through this Amnplify premiere.

PEY PEY & JËVA were granted access to film in the prestigious Sydney City Recital Hall. In a venue where performing artists are constantly performing to packed shows in and out, filming amongst the rows of empty seats heightens the uncertainties of starting out.

“Often as artists we question if anyone will connect to what we are doing and wonder if our voices will ever be heard? There is this constant questioning of if who you are is good enough for what can sometimes be a very materialistic industry” says PEY PEY.

Towards the end of the video we see both personas dancing, running around and letting go. This was a conscious choice made by PEY PEY & JËVA to highlight that no matter what stage you are in your life, you have the choice to choose how you feel. You can choose love, hope over fear and anxiety.

The track itself features powerful harmonies from both artists, flowing together in a complementary harmony to create a powerful and spine chilling tale of industry, loss and vulnerability. Stylistically, the visuals are reminiscent of recent Glades/GRAACE/Mallrat videos.

PEY PEY is supporting ANGE ‘Like I’m Crazy’  Single Launch party on Saturday 22 June 2019, at Down / Under Space 109 Regent St Chippendale Sydney.





Connect online with PEY PEY

Connect online with JEVA

