
Big Sound


BIGSOUND’s Back Baby!

Be the future of music and APPLY TO PLAY.

The southern hemisphere’s biggest new music festival and industry gathering BIGSOUND is back in Brisbane from Tuesday 7 – Thursday 9 September!
Three fun-filled days of new music discoveryconnection and a killer conference program focused on building a new future for the music industry, together. You in?


Big Sound


Kicking off on the Tuesday with the BIGSOUND First Nations Showcase and Women in Music event, the industry’s leading players will gather at the BIGSOUND Conference on the Wednesday and Thursday to grapple with the big issues, laying out a roadmap for a future that addresses: changing industry and audience dynamics, post-COVID business transition, gender equality and safety, cultural change, inclusivity and innovation, international economics and domestic politics.

By night, the big live music party kicks off and discovering the future of music comes to the fore, as some 150 artists showcase their talent at the BIGSOUND Festival in venues across the festival’s spiritual home in the Fortitude Valley live music precinct from Tuesday – Thursday night;
artist applications open today and close at 11:59pm on Friday 28 May.


Big Sound


This year’s event will welcome tastemakers from across the country including media, A&R, agents, promoters, music supervisors, buyers and so much more. And for national and international industry and delegates who cannot physically attend, BIGSOUND’s digital doors will once again be open for business.

Now in its 20th year, BIGSOUND is the one place in Australia where the talent on stage is only matched by the influence of those out in the crowd, you just never know who you might be standing next to at BIGSOUND!

And with the Levi’s® Music Prize in partnership with BIGSOUND returning, all artists selected to showcase in 2021 are eligible to win one of three $15,000 cash prizes.

The future of music is at BIGSOUND in 2021.
See you at BIGSOUND in Brisbane, September 7-9!

Tickets for the conference and festival will be on sale soon.


Big Sound

Apply to Showcase


“This year, BIGSOUND will provide the chance for us to reconnect, collectively grieve the losses the industry has faced over the past year and celebrate the treasure trove of Australasian talent that has been incubating throughout this time.

“Our commitment to rebuilding a stronger, safer, more inclusive industry as we emerge from COVID has never been greater and BIGSOUND is once again stepping up to the plate as the place where people come to discover the future of music and to be part of the future of music.” – Angela Samut, QMusic CEO and BIGSOUND Executive Producer.


Big Sound

Save the Date


Partner with BIGSOUND

BIGSOUND’s unique mix of audiences and participants creates significant B2B and B2C opportunities.

Partnering with BIGSOUND is an opportunity to visibly contribute to the future of Australian music, establish your brand as a thought-leader in the music industry space, as well as establish meaningful relationships with industry influencers and a music-loving public.

QMusic is committed to delivering high-value, bespoke sponsorship packages. Contact the Sponsorship team today to learn how you can align your brand with BIGSOUND and help us rebuild a thriving music industry.


Big Sound


