Share Heartwarming Video
For New Single



Photo credit – Cybele Malinowski



Birds of Tokyo have unveiled the music video for their anthemic new single, ‘Two Of Us’. The song is already following in the footsteps of ‘Good Lord’ and ‘The Greatest Mistakes’, staples at Australian radio across 2019, hitting Top 5 most played Australian song and Top 30 overall after only 2 weeks.

The band’s bassist, Ian Berney explains the backstory to the video.

“We’d just blown our budget on a video clip that didn’t quite hit the mark so we decided to start again and make a video ourselves. We liked the idea of a one shot video and we had a heap of narrative ideas but we were in over our heads with how to deliver it.  Enter our friend, director Zac Lynch-Woodlock and producers Helium.

The biggest challenge was resources; 30+ humans, watermelons, crab costumes, make up, bandages, key-tars, piggy heads, confetti, streamers, surfboards, cricket bats and just about anything else we could find. Many phone calls later, we were ready to shoot.

With Zac steering the ship and some of our best friends dressing up as extras, the day became a total celebration. Kenny was also happy because he only had to do seven takes! Its nice to know we can now watch the clip to tap back into the sheer joy of the experience whenever we want to.”


Watch TWO OF US here:


Director Zac Lynch-Woodlock added, “We all had a lot of fun making this clip. I’ve been friends with the guys for ages and when Glenn and Berney approached me about collaborating on a music video, I was super keen.  They had some nice references in mind including the idea of doing the video as a one-shot which always presents its own unique set of challenges.  Finding an interesting location that would allow continuous movement along a road for the entire song being one of them! 

We wanted to show Kenny’s journey as a road to redemption and the clip picks up from the bloodied and beaten Kenny in the “Good Lord” music video.  “Two Of Us” travels with a bandaged Kenny as he transitions with the help of some friends to a place of happiness.  The band also carry injuries to show that everyone has their own demons to deal with.”

“The song is a celebration of finally finding your happy place and we wanted the video clip to be a visualisation of that moment,” said keyboardist Glenn Sarangapany.  “Turns out our happy place has dancing bears, watermelon people and keytars.”




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Photo credit – Cybele Malinowski


