“A Beginner’s Guide To Bravery”




Rubyworks are very happy to welcome David Keenan to the label. The Dundalk-born story-teller has developed a loyal, ever growing following over the last couple of years with a series of acclaimed self released EP’s, building his own sound-world of songs and characters, while mapping out and shaping his debut album. Over the coming months, both established fans and new comers will have the opportunity to discover the myriad talents of this preternatural new talent.

Says David: “I’d like to share the news with you all that I have signed with the independent Irish label Rubyworks. I’ve always trusted my gut, listening to whispered advice stirred up from the subconscious. The songs are the self, the soil of the soul and the decision to allow them more time to breathe as an album came first with the decision to collaborate with Rubyworks coming shortly after.”

The debut album, a striking record fascinating tales set to indelible tunes heralds the arrival of an important new talent. The release date for the record is the 10th of January 2020.

This week David releases more ‘Altar Wine’ with the release of a new, unvarnished version of his recent single ‘Altar Wine’. David writes:

“Dear friends, here is a love outpouring of Altar Wine captured in the Irish Arts Centre, Hell’s Kitchen, New York City. I had a few moments by myself before the doors were unlocked and the following recording came a flowing. Myself, the words and the guitar in an empty room full of echoes suspended in the dust”



“I wrote this song on a train from Amsterdam to Cologne, finished it as the train ceased to move, brought it in me to a Chapel in Cologne, sang it for the first time, left the Chapel with a liberated German bible under my arm as a souvenir. Reconciling my act of theft with the thought that it would be useful reference for a line or two at a later date, and that the greater good must prevail…” – David Keenan 

Young Irish singer-sonneteer David Keenan stokes the flames and turns up the heat ahead of his debut album, with the release of new single ‘Unholy Ghosts’. The lyric video for the song is a stunning, unfolding animation by London based Spanish film maker Alejandra Lopez Martin.



A Beginner’s Guide to Bravery
Out On 10th January 2020
Pre-Order HERE


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