• The Dreggs


Felicity Cripps Band


unveils new single

An anthemic ode to
the collective conscience


Felicity Cripps Band


Felicity Cripps, musician and lead vocalist of Felicity Cripps Band (FCB), just released the band’s latest single, ‘Inside a Keyhole,’ on March 20. This single emerges after a long incubation, which followed Felicity’s move to the country and coincided with the pandemic, and the birth of her first child. The musician was raising her daughter, born in the height of Covid, whilst running an arts-institution in regional Victoria — the iconic cinema/live music venue Theatre Royal Castlemaine, which she still owns and operates with her husband — adjusting to her shifting identity and the lockdown-altered reality in tandem. In an effort to hold on to her sense of self, Felicity wrote ‘Inside A Keyhole’. The song was born out of a need for community and meaningful connection in a world that was starved of both, and is an antidote to isolation — an anthemic reminder of all that we share.


Felicity Cripps Band.

“I felt lost and overwhelmed. So I took a bit of a David Lynch approach, tapping into my subconscious and finding ways to enter that transcendental state. I took part in a ceremony that changed my perspective on everything. I gained a deeper sense of connection to the world around me, which extended into my song-writing. Suddenly, I found a truer sense of purpose and direction, and the work became far greater than me.

Where once I’d get caught up in my own head, now I could just enjoy the day. I realised that once our attention on the noise subsides, there is so much magic around — it’s enough to make you laugh! And it’s always there, we just miss it. I needed to write this song to remind me of that feeling. Like a portal back into that place of contentment, where nothing matters, where we can just simply ‘be’.

“From me to you, this song is pure joy and it’s for everyone.” – Felicity Cripps



The recording features a talented lineup of musicians and collaborators, including Alex Scott-Douglas on backing vocals, Tom Norton on drums, Bones Sloane on bass guitar, Nigel Tilbrook and Tim Heath on guitars, and Nick Huggins on synth, electronics, and production.

FCB has shared the stage with renowned artists such as Models, Robert Forster, Rob Snarski, and Lindy Morrison. The upcoming tour with acclaimed Australian songwriter Don Walker further solidifies FCB’s reputation as a key staple in the music scene.

With the release of Inside a Keyhole, Felicity Cripps delivers a driving, psychedelic, and heartful ode to the collective conscience.


Felicity Cripps Band




Felicity Cripps Band.



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