Fountaineer Introduce New Single ‘Words With Friends’

Bendigo three-piece, Fountaineer, release their new single ‘Words With Friends’ today which is brimming with a small town tension and big city dreams.

There’s a sleepy lethargy that asserts itself at the beginning of ‘Words With Friends’, but it’s clear that there’s tension brewing beneath the surface. The culmination of that unrest is the ominous bridge towards the end of the song which explodes into a rock laden guitar riff – echoing influences from Kurt Viile to War on Drugs.

Front man Anthony White says of the song;

“The minutes we waste, the trivial waffle we are ensconced in, the difficult conversations we avoid, the dreams we leave unattended on the shelf – that’s what this is all about. I wanted to make a great album. I wanted to talk about serious shit. Spending time at the pub wasn’t getting me any closer to where I wanted to be. I didn’t really know what to do – so I wrote a song.”

The band is comprised of brothers Anthony and Francis White and childhood friend Kieran Daly who have joined together after a history of playing music in other bands. These small town guys are broaching big issues and touch on the existential in their first single released since their debut, ‘Still Life’ in early 2016.

Stream Words With Friends’ HERE

Fountaineer have been hard at work honing their live show and have recently shared bills with the likes of Gang Of Youths and Middle Kids, as well as an industry packed performance at 2016’s BIGSOUND – playing new material that will find its way onto the band’s debut album.

‘Words With Friends’ is released worldwide today via 1825 Records and THESE channels




March 16 – The Gasometer Hotel, Melbourne, VIC

March 24, 25, 26 – The Hills Are Alive Festival, South Gipsland, VIC

March 31 – Yah Yahs, Melbourne, VIC

April 20 – The Gasometer Hotel, Melbourne, VIC




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