Line Up Is Complete.

Last Tickets Online Now!






Pinch Points and Bufiman come aboard and the Line Up for Golden Plains Fourteen is complete

Last tickets are available online.



Everything stays the same, including a commitment to constant improvement: still BYO everywhere, all on the one stage, with no commercial sponsors, free range camping and the No D—head Policy. Fourteen will be very Golden.



The sound of now, then and forever, hand-sewn to seamlessly fit the evolving atmospherics of the Supernatural Amphitheatre. Mother Nature on the lights.

Manifold highlights, any time of day or night – some directed, most unexpected.



One from near, one from afar. The final jewels in the golden crown are…




“The GP line up is so sick, but I’m trying to figure out… who’s gonna kick-start proceedings on Satdee arvo?”, asked a discerning niece of mine.

Much theorising and debate followed before an email was sent to Melbourne combo Pinch Points, marked ‘Golden Plains Offer 2020’. Forming only 18 months ago, they have established themselves as one of the best new live bands in town. Musically linked to the post-punk era, Pinch Points also echo its DIY spirit – recording Moving Parts in their Coburg share house. Angular guitar harmonies, heavy mechanical riffs and belted-out group vocals, all at turbo-punk speed. A barbed-wire coil of sound that’s as loose and springy as it is dangerously serrated.

Kicking off the jams at GPXIV. 




Jan Schulte is a disc jockey, producer, dancer, rhythm enthusiast, peace mover and jaw harp player from Düsseldorf, Germany.

You may know him as Wolf Müller or Diskoking Burnhart McKoolski. He arrives at GP Fourteen in Bufiman mode. Performing live on the heels of the project’s debut full-length, Albumsi.

Raised at the Salon des Amateurs, the much mythologised Düsseldorf club revered for its most original and bent late night get-togethers, Jan’s own records range wildly from b-boy breaks to droning ambience. Tribal disko, German bongo funk, black market kraut and voodoo techno are a few labels associated with his sound.

Alongside hometown pals Lena Wilikens and Tolouse Low Trax, Jan Schulte has come to define the Düsseldorf sound today. Experience in a Supernatural setting as Bufiman closes out the first late night. 



We guarantee that we will continue to listen, fix things if they don’t work, not fix them if they do, and stay Golden.



Every ticket helps more than a dozen regional organisations do great things in the district. We are grateful to the wonderful people of the region, who so graciously help host Golden Plains and elder sibling, Meredith.

We remain open to ideas, both tangible and intangible.

I hope to see you in The Sup’.





