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Listen to their
debut single


CAROLINE & CLAUDE // Image Credit: Wes McDonough

CAROLINE & CLAUDE // Image Credit: Wes McDonough


Today, Sydney born and Adelaide bred siblings Caroline and Claude have arrived with their sparkling, acid-tongued debut single, ‘Stir The Pot’. What do you get when you combine acerbic Gen Z wit, timeless pop hooks, and more than a little chaos? You get pop classicism, done in an entirely iconoclastic way; you get abjectly strange, ruthlessly catchy songwriting; and, of course, you get a song like ‘Stir The Pot’.

The duo also share the self-directed video for the single which serves as an introduction to their irreverent and playful humour. Caroline and Claude said “We shot this video during lockdown, which meant we had to film and create our own animations we wanted it to feel playful, and just wanted to creatively vomit on it ahah- that’s why we have so many things going on with gifs, our animations etc! it also then shows the messiness and chaotic behaviour of gossip and the premise of the song.”

Turning the freewheeling glee of shitposting into a bright, vintage-sounding pop song, the track is a perfect introduction to a brother-sister pairing more than willing to stir up a little drama in a decidedly staid musical landscape. A punchy, puckish arrival for the pair, it’s an indelible first taste of the symbiosis Caroline and Claude have been building since birth.



‘STIR THE POT’ is out now HERE

Caroline and Claude — real names Hannah and Dylan — were, in a sense, born into music. Performance was part of their lives from a young age, whether in the form of the jam sessions they’d have with their extended family, or putting on shows for their parents, Wayne and Jules. But their musical lineage goes even further than that: Caroline and Claude’s grandparents are singers, and used to sing in jazz cafes in their native India. In other words, the fruit that comes to bear in Caroline and Claude’s music grows from a perfect push-pull between nature and nurture: the result of innate musical genes given space to grow and create with impunity.



In mid-2020, forced into pandemic-induced isolation together, Caroline & Claude started to make music, and soon realised they’d stumbled upon something special. To properly understand their music, it’s important to rid your mind of comparisons with other sibling duos, the fact of their genetically-perfected harmonies and baroque songcraft aside. In truth, Caroline & Claude are diametric opposites, the former a classic extrovert and the latter a total introvert. Where Caroline spends her days chasing the kind of emotional connection and social interaction that fuels her art — which, aside from songwriting, also encompasses poetry — Claude is a quintessential studio rat, content to spend his time finessing and perfecting his production techniques. The result is a harmony that’s unique and entirely theirs, and not unlike the one conjured when they sing together. It’s Caroline & Claude’s own kind of magic: introvert wit and extrovert emotionality intertwining to create witty, bombastic tales for a new generation of pop fans.







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