NEW MUSIC May 5th NEW MUSICMay 5th. .Check out SEARMANAS! FACEBOOK | BANDCAMP | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | SOUNDCLOUD..Check out BARST here! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK..MASK OF JUDAS release insane guitar playthrough of new track ‘Alive’ taken from ‘The Mesmerist’. TWITTER | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM. .Check out the first track from MAZY here! YOUTUBE.. Check out RIVAL BONES! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER..Stay connected with DAN OWEN! FACEBOOK | WEBSITE..Love CLIENT LIAISON?! Check out their socials! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM..Listen to more EAST BRUNSWICK! INSTAGRAM| FACEBOOK | TWITTER. .Check out LEON VYNEHALL! INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER..More from ARROYO here! FACEBOOK | SOUNDCLOUD..New acoustic version from POOLCLVB! FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER..Check out the new track from PETITE BISCUIT X JEFFE WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK ..Guess who has a new music video?! PEACE! TWITTER | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM. AMNPLIFY – LKamnplify_writer2018-11-25T17:14:09+11:00May 5th, 2018|Tags: ARROYO, BARST, Client Liaison, DAN OWEN, EAST BRUNSWICK, JEFFE, Leon Vynehall, Mask Of Judas, mazy, Peace, PETITE BISCUIT, poolclvb, RIVAL BONES, SEARMANAS|Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditGoogle+TumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts “CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF BEERS” ADELAIDE BEER & BBQ FESTIVAL is throwing a huge 10th birthday party this June “CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF BEERS” ADELAIDE BEER & BBQ FESTIVAL is throwing a huge 10th birthday party this June JesseMelancholy reminds us: Sometimes you just need to KISS THE SKY JesseMelancholy reminds us: Sometimes you just need to KISS THE SKY ratbag releases new single ‘juliet & juliet’ ratbag releases new single ‘juliet & juliet’ JAZZELLA – Sunshine Coast based princess of pop drops new single ‘MY IDOL’ JAZZELLA – Sunshine Coast based princess of pop drops new single ‘MY IDOL’ AKIA returns with brand new single “DND” AKIA returns with brand new single “DND”