Project Description



(Single Review)

Reviewer: Jarrod Henry

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On this, their first new release since 2013’s The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here, the Seattle grunge metal pioneers show that thirty-odd years since their inception they can still pull off a dark, sludgy alt-rock tune. Alice In Chains have managed to stay one step ahead of their peers, despite a fairly lengthy period of inactivity from the mid 90’s until 2006. It’s almost impossible to separate the band as a whole from the shadow of late vocalist Layne Staley – who passed in 2002 – and yet the reactivated band, now propelled by guitarist Jerry Cantrell, have continued to record two highly successful records and this song – the first from their third post-Staley release – sees the band in fine form both musically and vocally.



The One You Know continues in the tradition of songs like Check My Brain (from 2009’s Black Gives Way To Blue) and Hollow (from ..Dinosaurs..) in that it’s built on a stabbing dissonant guitar riff courtesy of Cantrell. He has one of the most instantly recognisable tones in heavy music; a deeply satisfying hit of gain saturation and sustain that comes down to his unique combination of amps and guitars. Here it sears across an insistent snare drum roll courtesy of Sean Kinney that builds the tension until it gives way to Cantrell’s sneering lead vocal.

One of the aspects of this new Alice In Chains that expands and improves upon the original is the combined harmonies of Cantrell and new vocalist William DuVall. It’s an integral part of the Alice In Chains sound that’s based partly on a dissonant quality that perfectly compliments the verse structure.



And then there’s the chorus.

Cantrell has long been the master craftsman of a massive soaring chorus and this one is no exception. It’s almost as if, coming out of the verse, the change shouldn’t work but by God it does. A huge, glorious anthemic piece that drips lyrical sarcasm at the same time. Cantrell has stated that the forthcoming album will feature “some really heavy shit, some really ugly stuff, some really beautiful stuff, some weirdo trippy shit… it’s good”. The One You Know has its feet firmly planted in the former two categories.



Here’s hoping this lead single is but a hint of the promised riches held within the album. Until its release, however, this song will serve as a formidable teaser.



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