Project Description
(Single Review)
Reviewer: Laura Hughes
Chutney are indie-rockers from the Gold Coast who are about to make huge waves with the release of their new music. Isolation has shown that nothing will get between these boys and the sound waves they want to create. With their debut EP about to be released into the world, they have honoured us with a little taster of what more is to come with their single ‘Adelaide’.
Recorded at Lovestreet Studios with longtime collaborator Scotty French behind the boards and with tracks mastered by Grammy-nominated Brian Lucey (Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys), which created an amazingly unique sound which didn’t go unnoticed from Declan Byrne of Triple J’s Home and Hosed has referred to as “Sleepy” and “Coastal”.
‘Adelaide’ will soothe you down, with velvety soft vocals, and soft acoustic guitar that could easily lull you to sleep. It is a track that makes you feel weightless and pulls you into a dream-like state. It a song that disconnects you from reality whilst sending shivering running up and down your spine. With the careful layering of instrumentation that gradually builds as the song unfolds, giving it more texture and adding an extra layer to this unworldly experience. The track explores the wistfulness and uncertainty that follows a relationship, however, it doesn’t weigh you down, it makes you feel very reminiscent and brings a small smile on your lips. The outro is the delivery of sentiment, unhurried yet purposeful, draws you in and sets you up for ecstasy. ‘Adelaide’ is a perfect song that will leave you feeling high.
If you are looking for your next local favourite, then I think I have found you a perfect band that will provide you with all those sleepy coastal town sound needs. They bare a similarity to Ocean Alley but kick it up a bit with Arctic Monkeys vibes that they have woven into their sound. Chutney is ready to take over the airwaves and your heart with their music. With more amazing songs on the way, I think I’ll settle with having ‘Adelaide’ on repeat for the next few days.
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