Project Description

“Life Of Envee
(feat SAM ANTONY)”
(Single Review)

Reviewer: Dave Bruce




Young Australian rap artist Envee has just released Life Of Envee the follow-up to his smash debut Kinda Funny. And what a track it is. It’s fresh sounding and powerful with lyrics that are replete with evocative imagery and devastatingly astute observations. As the all-encompassing title suggests, this new track touches on some major themes: loss, failure, hope and redemption. But what is so striking about Envee’s latest release is the candid nature of his writing, the unadulterated style which allows Envee the space to move smoothly from apology to provocation to realisation.

After one listen it’s easy to understand why the title is so apt and so poignant. But this track is a lot more than the eviscerating nature of the rhymes and lines; there’s also a melodic hook at the centre, around which Envee’s mindful and ruminative landscape can hover. Accompanying Envee’s heartfelt performance is Sam Antony’s immaculate production, full of subtle surprises, evenly placed sonic textures and wonderfully articulated hues of rhythm and sound.

This inspired instrumentation choice creates the fitting platform on which Envee’s dense and demanding words can be layered. The contrasts are all well-presented, especially when the main hook of the chorus arrives. This is a sweeping, soulful lament that is not without its spaces of hope. Life Of Envee is a coming of age rap from a bright artistic talent who’s just begun his journey but who is also attune to the variances and turbulences of emotion.

There is a double-sided nature to this release; it’s not only a memorable song but a deftly penetrating examination of the vicissitudes of contemporary life and if it’s not the hooks that will get you it’s the hard-hitting tale of self-diagnosis that will. Envee’s new release will no doubt receive the same response as his debut, though I suspect this latest will surely solidify his trajectory as a rising young rap star.



Check out ENVEE below
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