Project Description

(Single Review)

23rd October 2020

Reviewer: Laura Hughes



Growing up in a musical household, Harry has always had a deep affinity with music. He turned to songwriting in a much more profound way after falling into depression following a severe sports injury. Realising communication through songwriting as one of  his greatest passions allowed him to heal beautifully and organically. 

He continued his pursuit with his musical endeavours by studying a degree in Contemporary Music at JMC Academy, majoring in Song Writing, and graduating in 2019. This gave him amazing opportunities, such as winning two national songwriting competitions. These successes allowed him to experience participation at the APRA’s ‘50 Songs in 5 Days’ writing camp at Studios 301 in Sydney, and the ‘International Writer’s Camp’ in the Netherlands. These amazing, once in a lifetime experiences helped shape who he is today as a musician, and a songwriter.



While revving up for his sophomore EP, he has released a little taster of what is to come with his latest single ‘Wristbands’. ‘Wristbands’ is a beautifully melodic acoustic song that brings you back to a beautiful summer romance. It is a love song that will send shivers running up and down your spine, and it will take your breath away. It is a song that holds so much depth, with vivid images of scenes playing out in your mind. The song is far from being moody and weepy, but rather uplifting and hopeful, with catchy hooks and infectious melodies that will make you want to dance. It is a song that pushes past the everyday cliche lovey-dovey pop song with those overplayed beats, and gives you more substance to sink your teeth into.

“It is a song that instantly draws you and surrounds you with upbeat strums of the guitar and voice so sweet that it could give you a toothache.”

Harry combines his love of writing memorable melodies with a social conscience to create pop songs with depth, that makes him stand out from the pack in the Australian music scene. His art is beautiful and filled with passion, which makes it hard not to fall in love with his music. 




