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Interview with

(27th October 2022)

Interview by Brittany Long




Tell me about the decision to release music under the pseudonym Bloom, where did the name come from?
When I was writing my first EP, I felt “Amanda” was so many things, I wear so many hats, I just wanted to create a version of myself I could step into creatively, leave behind the stresses of the day.

Let’s go back to the beginning, where did your journey with music originate?
A long time ago! My earliest memory of a public performance was when I was 4. My dad was always into music, so I was exposed to a lot of Italian music growing up, my Nonna would sing with me by the fire, I’ve sung for as long as I can remember. Fast forward through my school years, in primary I was always listening to tapes and CDs and just singing the songs over and over, I would lose hours doing that, I loved to listen to all genres and then I started playing in a band in highschool, I think I was in year 10 when we placed as finalists in the battle of bands competition, that was my first go at performing original music.

Who are your musical influences? How has this evolved over the years? Does the type of music you listen to influence the type of music you play?
I’ve always had an eclectic taste in music, at first I was just attracted to voices and melodies and a good story. I grew up listening to a lot of female artists, Vanessa Amorosi, Tina Arena, Tania Doko, Shania Twain, Laura Pausini (Italian Artist) I loved pop. Now I listen to music depending on my mood, I guess we can do that now with Spotify, We only really had the radio back then. My current favourite song is “I Just Don’t Think I’ll Ever Get Over You” Colin Hay. The next lot of music I write, I really want to challenge myself to pull back the layers and write some raw lyrics that really make people stop & cry. I like making people cry ;)

Congratulations on the release of your latest single and album “Elevate”. Can you share the inspiration behind the track and also the origins of the title and the album itself?
Thanks! We love Elevate! It is so full of love. I sent a reference track to Kingsley & Chelsea Oldmeadow from Honey Hole Studios in Perth, we hadn’t worked on original material before but I was touring with Kingsley and said I really want to release something like this… and then he came back to me with this track. My fiancé James Morley wrote the bass line and then I tweaked a few lyrics and then Elevate was born. It was a nice positive way to end the 4-part concept album.

What’s the inspiration behind the album artwork with the infinity symbol?
The oo in Bloom is also an open infinity symbol, I feel love is infinite so it suited the theme.

Your recent four-part concept compilation truly tells a raw and emotional story, can you share the process of putting this compilation together, is it based on your own life experiences?
I can definitely relate to all of the songs on the album. I am in a happy relationship now, but there was a time that I had to work through betrayal, heart break, working through the memories and finding myself again. I wrote Choices & A Minute and co-wrote or co-produced the other songs, so I feel them all on a deep level.



What does ‘love’ mean to you?
No one has ever asked me that! Good question! I don’t think I’ve ever asked myself that question, I know I love to be in love. I have always felt that I have lots of love to give and I always lead with love. For me it’s a super intense emotion that I feel outside of my heart.

You made the decision to include a cover of Finneas’ ‘Only A Lifetime’ to complete the album, tell me about that decision and why this particular track felt like the correct inclusion?
I heard this song for the first time earlier this year on a flight. I just started crying. It healed me & helped me let go of trauma that I was holding onto because it changed my perspective on what little time we have. The album has that 4-part relationship story but then I added “A Minute” and “Only A Lifetime” because I wanted to leave the listener with something to think about. How are they spending their time? Are they stuck in one emotion for too long? I know for me, I held onto relationships longer than I should have. So leaving them with “Only A Lifetime” hopefully gives them the same fresh perspective it gave me. I always want to try and heal through music, whether it is my song or a cover.

How important is music for you as a mechanism of storytelling?
It’s everything. I find it hard to communicate just through words. When I was little I could only say “toilet” and “water” when I went to primary school, as Italian was my first language. I didn’t realise at the time, but after lots of therapy, that breakdown in communication caused some trauma for me when I was younger. I still struggle to get my point across without being too blunt, my emails are never fluffy enough so music is the best way that I can express myself and my stories.

Describe your sound, and what fans can expect from a live performance?
Definitely tears, there are always tears. Lots of laughs – not sure if they are always with me or sometimes at me. My live shows are always a beautiful energy exchange and the audience always leave buzzing and they tell me they are buzzing for days, it’s interactive & always full of great vibes.

Do you have any upcoming live performances lined up that we should know about?
I am always on tour haha. 2023 definitely sees me doing more original shows though, rather than just my concept shows (which I love) I just want to be able to tell my own stories now, I feel ready to let people in a little more.

What’s next for Bloom?
Another big year of shows around the Country. Shows in the UK in September and more original content next year. Oh… and my Wedding, in December.

You’re passionate about helping others, you recently became an ambassador for Emerge Australia and are an ongoing ambassador for Shake it up Australia. Why is it so important to you to use your platform as a musician to make a difference? What goes into choosing these particular organisations? Do you have a personal connection to Emerge Australia or Shake it up?
Super passionate about helping others, Otherwise I don’t feel like I am giving my full potential. We’ve raised over $26,000 for Australian’s with Parkinson’s. I chose Parkinson’s because with our concept shows we cover Linda Ronstadt songs and she can no longer sing due to her Parkinson’s, so to honour her and help Australians, we started raising money on tour. With Emerge – I heard about them on the radio as they were being interviewed before me one night and I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue after my Glandular Fever when I was 16, it was a long 10 year journey to recover for me and back then there wasn’t much info out there on Chronic Fatigue. Emerge are doing great things, providing education, advocacy, research and important patient support nationally.  It is a disease that has been around for years but receives little recognition in funding.



What does the song writing process look like for you? Where do you find the inspiration for your music?
Inspiration is everywhere and it usually comes at the most random times like when I am driving or in the shower which makes it difficult to record before you forget. I definitely get lyrics first and then I work on a melody. I get inspiration from everywhere, reading, the supermarket, overhearing conversations or whatever I am dealing with at the time, writing is healing for me.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?
I would say, don’t rush. Enjoy this life phase and don’t rush yourself into the future because it sneaks up on you so quickly and when you are finally there, you look back and realise “you weren’t fat” “it wasn’t so bad” and “don’t cry over him”

*You’re known as a ‘power vocalist’, how do you look after your voice in a situation such as touring?
I try to stay hydrated, make sure I get enough sleep, don’t go out to loud places, voice rest on show days and only talk when I have to (which is really hard for me, because as an Italian, I like to talk)

Is there anything positive that arose for you from the forced covid-induced touring pause?
Life perspective. Our whole year of shows was wiped out in 3 days. I thought I could never survive if I wasn’t singing and touring but even with it all taken away, I did survive. So I don’t have that fear anymore. We did these “driveway sessions” We actually flew into Perth the week before the lockdowns, left everything in our apartment in Melbourne because we thought we were going back. Anyway the whole band was here and our show was cancelled so we took it to the driveway, we ended up doing that every Friday night during lockdown. People sat In front of their houses along our street, the videos made their way around the world, and as lockdown was announced that following Tuesday, we were one of the first to do it. People still message me saying they looked forward to our Friday night lives every week, they tuned in from home. They said it kept them going. That gave me a really nice sense of community, something I had lost from being on the road so much in the years leading up to covid.

If you could play with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
It would have been pretty amazing to sing with Amy Winehouse or Whitney Houston – both such incredible voices

Dream place to tour and or venue to play?
Royal Albert Hall, Roman Arena in Verona and any outdoor concert spaces in Italy.

Fan favourites in a minute – the first answers that come to mind
Favourite ice-cream – Pralines and Cream
Favourite movie – Love Actually, A Star Is Born, Eat Pray Love – Sorry I have 3!!
CD vs Vinyl – Vinyl
Favourite artist (can be non music related) – Dionne Rzechta is a Melbourne based artist who makes beautiful statement pieces that I hope to hang in my house one day.
Biggest inspiration – Watching other live music shows
Favourite Disney movie – Beauty & The Beast




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Press Release 20th October 2022 (below) HERE

Acclaimed singer/songwriter
releases her new single
which culminates her
four-part concept compilation
she began in 2021
