Project Description

Interview with


Interviewer – Vicky Hebbs


Photo – Kylie Rebecca Photography (Nashville)


After a decade of performing in venues across Ontario, Todd moved to Nashville three years ago, where she has dedicated herself to honing her chops as a writer, as well as becoming an in-demand performer on the competitive local club scene. As a writer, she has learned from countless songwriting sessions across the breadth of musical genres, ending up with a classic country sound infused with the exceptionally well crafted, memorable pop sensibilities of her first musical inspirations.





How did you first get into music? When did it become a serious concern?
I was born into music so it was very natural for me. My dad toured all the time when I was a little girl, and when he was home we spent a lot of time together in his home studio. In high school I was in two bands and also did my solo act. Outside of high school my nights were filled with band practices or gigs or I was working at a music store. When I finished high school I became a full-time performing musician.

What was your first big break that told you “I am in the right place”?
There have been a few moments that come to mind. When I left my hometown and moved to Nashville I had a goodbye show where all my fans came to see me before I left. At the end of the show my fans wouldn’t stop clapping and they all stood for me and cheered for me. I admittedly cried on stage. I knew I was making the right choice when I saw hundreds of people in the room who believed in me. I guess that was one moment that helped me believe in myself.

What kind of music did you grow up on? Which artists inspired you and which do you still look to now for ideas?
This one is always tough! I grew up listening to Mariah Carey when I was really young. She taught me a lot about music and I still think she is the most talented vocalist out there. Later on I was really into country music like Shania Twain, Martina Mcbride, Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill and most of the female country singers. Oh, and I can’t forget about Spice Girls! Girl Power! Now, my focus has changed a little bit. I really love a lot of female songwriters. Ashley McBryde, Caitlyn Smith, Cam, Ashley Monroe and Kacey Musgraves, Donovan Woods, Ambre McLean are my favourite writers at the moment. I also love Brothers Osborne for their killer songs and guitar skills, and my all-time favourite performer live would be Keith Urban.

How would you describe your sound for anyone who has not yet listened to your music?
Old country revived! My music is a mix of modern pop production with acoustic arrangements and classic country instrumentation.

What is the country music scene like in Canada
It is thriving! I even know that from living in Nashville. So many fans from Canada visit Nashville and they are the most excited out of all the people that come into the bars I play. Canadians love country music.

How was it starting out fresh as a musician in Nashville? Were you accepted easily, and did you find the change easy or difficult?
There were a lot of ups and downs in the first year. When I first moved to Nashville I was trying to learn how to survive and find the best paying gigs. Southern hospitality really does exist, and I did my homework before I moved so people were impressed by what I brought to the table, and all willing to help out. I learned hundreds of songs before I moved, which really got me onto the best shifts and stages downtown. Once I found the better paying gigs, I got to drop a lot of the other gigs and focus on song writing which is a whole other ballgame! The most difficult part of moving would be missing my support system back home, and struggling vocally with the amount of work I was doing. I’ve found a really good balance now, and my voice is healthy. I’ve also found really amazing friends, and I keep in touch with everyone back home so it’s a lot easier now!

With your debut single “Crazy” can you describe its origins and evolution?
I wrote “Crazy” with two other girls that I met at a songwriters retreat. Bobbi Holliday and Caitie Thompson and I were thrown into a room together on the first day of the retreat. We immediately clicked and the same came together so quickly. We had harmonies and everything finished and we were eating snacks in the kitchen while everyone else at the retreat was still finishing their song. It was a great writing session and since then I’ve written multiple times with both girls.



I know how challenging the creative and producing process can be. How good did it feel to complete?
The production was a funny thing. At first the song sounded more like a carnival than a country song! We had to start over and strip everything down. I actually left and made a sandwich for the producer and I and when I came back he said, “Listen to this” and it was the guitar lick and harmonica part. My heart skipped a beat. I knew it was going to be incredible. Once the song was finished I did the same thing I do every time – I lay on the floor with my eyes closed and listen. It was a great moment, I was so happy that it was finished and everything sounded so perfect. I kept saying, “I can’t hear anything to change? Can you hear anything to change?!” I was just so happy. Then I danced around and listened to it a bazillion more times.

How do you balance your jobs as a songwriter and performing artist? 
I work five nights a week on Broadway in Nashville performing. It does get a little hard balancing work and writing. I try to fill up my Tuesdays and Wednesdays with writing sessions. Some days I need a break from all things music as well, to rest my voice and my mind and recharge. The easiest way for me to really focus on writing is to take a week off and go somewhere to write!

Which role do you prefer most, and why?
I like performing my original music best. There really is something about connecting with a crowd over something I created. It’s magic.

When will you be coming to Australia to play for audiences here?
We are looking at early 2020!

If you could pick absolutely anyone to bring on tour with you, whom would you pick and why? (Dead or Alive)
Keith Urban. Hands down.

What are your career plans for 2019? Will you be touring a lot? 
2019 is jam packed right now. I will have a cross Canada radio tour, shows in Ontario and then I am planning on showcases, festivals, industry conferences etc.

Do you have any longer-term goals or aspirations?
My biggest dream is to have a voice that is loud enough to make a change. I want to be able to reach a wide audience and ultimately, I would love to open up a mental health organization. I want to help people who suffer from mental illnesses. It is a topic that is very close to my heart and I hope that one day my music allows me to make a positive difference.

Finally, this is a paragraph dedicated to some quick discovery. Really corny, but for the fans, can you tell me your favorite album, artist, movie, place, drink, meal and person (living or dead) and some brief reasons why? Answer some or all please?
Favourite album – this is pretty much impossible. It depends on my mood. I was really into Ashley McBryde’s album “Girl Going Nowhere”. Every song is relatable and she has the most incredible melodies and hooks. Ask me tomorrow and this will change!
Favourite movie – Up until recently my all-time favourite movie was Titanic. It is just such a beautiful love story, and Celine kills that song. I am a hopeless romantic I can’t help it! But now I absolutely love A Star Is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Absolutely brilliant performance by everyone involved on that, and it has an incredible soundtrack.
Favourite place – a cabin in the woods with a guitar.
Favourite drink – I know you’re looking for a fun beverage like a mojito or something, but I LOVE tea! Loose-leaf tea is my go to. On stage I usually drink soda water and if I get REAL crazy, I will add a tiny bit of grapefruit juice to the soda water. I pretty much avoid alcohol, mostly because I am pretty fun as a normal sober person. Ha!
Favourite meal – I love cooking. Besides music it’s what I plan my whole day around. I love cooking healthy meals and focus on organic veggies, white meat or fish. I really like to fuel my body with healthy vitamins and try to ask myself before I eat it “how is this going to serve my body?”. That’s not to say that I don’t order chicken fingers at my gigs because I can’t help it, when I’m hungry, I’m hungry!
Favourite animal – I LOVE frogs. I have two pet tree frogs that my dad has so graciously adopted while I am living in Nashville. Besides frogs, I have the best puppy back at home. She is my girl and my best friend, a miniature pinscher named Nellie. It is also my dream to own a horse one day, but I am incredibly allergic so I’ll have to sort that problem out first.


Photo – Kylie Rebecca Photography (Nashville)


Keep up with DANIELLE TODD



