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Interview with
What’s your earliest memory of being inspired to become a professional artist?
My brother (who passed away at 27) gave me a hand me down 2pac album when I was about 10 years old. I started with that which then led me to Dr Dre, NWA, Snoop Dogg & Eminem etc. My two older brothers would always be blasting 2pac and biggie etc. and they had “The Up In Smoke Tour” on VHS. I would have to say that watching that video tape was my first initial inspiration… and we watched it a lot!
Which instruments do you play?
I played guitar growing up and a bit of piano. I also tried out the drums but I’ve always been more drawn to the vocal side of music. Im a big fan of word play and melodies etc. so I like to think of the voice as my main instrument.
Is your family musical? How have they influenced your music?
My brothers were both a bit older than me growing up (in Byron Bay) and their generation was much more hip hop orientated than mine. My the time I was in high school, everyone in my year was listening to hardcore and heavy metal/punk style music which kind of made me an out cast I guess. It wasn’t “cool” to be in to hip hop but I got it from my brothers. As for the rest of my family, I didn’t grow up around my dad so I didn’t get to know his taste in music, but my mum introduced me to The Beatles, AcDc, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, The Rolling Stones and so much more. And my sister is very musical. She sings, dances, plays piano, loves rap music, and is probably my biggest fan. She loves music.
Which artists inspire you the most?
Dr. Dre, Kanye West, Pusha T, J Cole, Amy Winehouse, and then some newer dudes like Future, Young Thug, Lil Yachty, Lil Pump etc. but lately I’ve been getting most of inspiration from Brockhampton. Any music inspires me depending on the kind of mood I’m in. Although I would say that I listen to too much rap & I need to listen to some more different shit.
What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? In your neighborhood or town?
My fondest memories are simple things growing up in Byron, e.g. driving to the beach in my brothers commodore listening to “i love the dough” by Biggie feat. Jay Z.
Or working at the local ice cream shop and getting all my homies in the shop while I worked the Friday night shift and we would blend up the sorbets with vodka or passion pop or whatever we could get our hands on.
What are some of your favorite records of all time?
Biggie – Ready To Die, Dr Dre – 2001, Lil Wayne – The Carter 3, Amy Winehouse – Back To Black, Every 2pac album, Every Kanye West album, Young Thug – Jeffery, Young Thug – Beautiful Thugger Girls, The Beatles – Abbey Road
Have you been in competitions? Any notable prizes?
I won a rap battle when I was 15 and won a CD but I don’t really fuck with that culture anymore. I respect it and I understand its relevance in hip hop but I’m not that kind of rapper.
Have you performed in public? Describe those occasions? Concerts, festivals, radio, TV, busking?
Playing live is probably my favourite part of the music making process. Ive played about 30 shows and loved every minute. Some of my best memories are my first few shows, just being so nervous and knowing that I cared that much was kind of a trip. It really helped me to realise that this is exactly what I want to be doing with my life.
Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?
I always get a bit of the “butterflies” feeling but I have learned to love that feeling.
What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
Skull a couple of JD & coke, have sex, smoke a joint, or go buy some real cool shit to wear when you perform that makes you feel like a legend.
Are you the type of writer who feels most motivated to create when the chips are down? Or are you equally as compelled to write music when you are feeling happy and content with life? Do you feel like songwriting is therapeutic?
Yeah I think song writing can be therapeutic but I also think I am capable of writing in any mood or with whatever is going on in my life. I guess the product just ends up sounding different.
How often are you in the studio? What makes a good session?
I try to get in at least once a week but I’m always writing and working on ideas. I have a whole lot of songs that are a “working progress” that ill probably never finish. & I think a good session is the perfect blend of fun and productive. Some times too much of either can make less of the other.
How often and for how long do you practice?
I practise a lot before I play a gig. But then sometimes I wont practice for months. I know my songs like crazy well and could never forget them even if I tried. I always practice new songs tho. I like to drum songs in to my head when they are fresh, and then they are just in there for good.
Is there anything you believe should be changed in the music industry?
Yeah I need to get me that crown haha. For real tho <3
How do you balance your music with other obligations – friends, children, job?
Music comes first!
What is your most proud musical achievement?
Pretty much just playing a show to a packed out room and everyone singing my song with me is the greatest achievement I could ever hope for. Of course, that room can always be bigger, and there can always be more people, but I think thats pretty cool regardless of the scale its on.
Any shows coming up?
Plenty! Supporting Boy Grad @ penny black this saturday, My own Headline show at grumpy on July 21st, Supporting Eloji at Boney August 11th, and supporting iiiconic at laundry August 17th.
What does the rest of the year have in store for you?
This year is about to have a crazy finish, I’ve got songs backed up, so expect to see more releases, plenty of shows, and a documented trip to America which I will share on social media.
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