Project Description


Interview with

(29th January, 2021)

Interviewer – Vicky Hebbs


The Dead Daisies


How did you come together to become The Dead Daisies?
The band started in Australia with David Lowy back in 2013.  I joined the band back in 2016 on the Make Some Noise record.

How would you describe the sound of The Dead Daisies?
Well it’s kick ass rock, with a lot of new colours that are going to be apparent on the new album ‘Holy Ground’.

You have been working on new music since the summer of 2019. When did you feel you had enough material together to release an album?
We knew we had a lot of good ideas to start with.  Once we locked down in the La Fabrique compound we had a laser focus.  We were able to expedite the song writing after a couple of weeks.

Your new album, ‘Holy Ground’, is scheduled for release on January 22. How would you say this fifth studio album evolves from your four previous studio albums?
Every album is trying to top the last one and this album we feel very confident about.  It’s an album that has deeper scenery and heavier riffs than we’ve had in the past.  And we’ve written these songs with a live show in mind for the first time.



What was the process of writing and creating the album together like, from those early conversation to your studio sessions in France? What did you learn from the experience?
We all had various musical riffs and ideas some were further along than others and I was confident that whatever we had once we got together to work on it, the album would take the appropriate shape.

You released single ‘Holy Ground’ on December 4. The song showcases the mix of classic and contemporary elements your music embodies. Can you share the origins of the song?
That was the first song that Glenn bought to the band during the Sunset Sound Sessions.  We did a version of it there but upon reviewing the song we made some changes to it in France and re-recorded it.  It took on an even better personality with Ben Grosse, our producer involved.

Single ‘Unspoken’ is a great guitar-driven track that has a more relaxed vibe than heavier rock songs on the album. What inspired you to write the track?
Unspoken was a song that initially Glenn proposed to the band but it needed the collective involvement to put The Dead Daisies stamp on it. 

Do you feel there is anything on the album which fans may not be expecting from you?
Yeah, I would say this is a fresh start for us and we’re anticipating our fans will hear the progression of the band whilst maintaining the integrity of David Lowy’s vision.



What do you hope fans take away from the album?
Hopefully I would hope the fans take away a feeling of inspiration for their lives moving forward, especially after these recent times.  It’s a really positive statement.

How has COVID impacted your plans for music videos and live gigs? How are you overcoming the impact it has had?
We have had our challenges and with live gigs not happening missing being on the road.  We are keeping busy creating content from home and keeping engaged with our fans on social media.

Are you hoping to perform the album live in 2021? Where would you like to play?
Yes, we are hanging to play this album live in 2021!  We want to play everywhere we can!

What is your favourite The Dead Daisies-related memory?
There’s been many really amazing memories with the band in the last five years.  One that particularly stands out, is the Woodstock Freedom Festival where we played with a sixty-piece orchestra!

If you could magically acquire one skill, what would it be?
I would say the secrets powers to freeze time or speed it up if need be!

Where do you see yourselves in one years’ time as The Dead Daisies?
Once we start the touring machine we hope to continue for quite some time!

Do you have any plans to record more new music in the near future?


The Dead Daisies

Track Listing

Holy Ground (Shake The Memory)
Like No Other (Bassline)
Come Alive
Bustle And Flow
My Fate
Chosen And Justified
Saving Grace
30 Days In The Hole
Righteous Days
Far Away



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Vocals/Bass: Glenn Hughes (Deep Purple, Black Country Communion)
Guitar: Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Dio)
Guitar: David Lowy (Mink, Red Phoenix)
Drums/Vocals: Deen Castronovo (Journey, Bad English, Hardline)


The Dead Daisies