Project Description


Interview with

(4th December 2021)

Interview by Brittany Long




Where did your journey with music originate? 
I’ve always loved being around music- ever since I was small. My Grandma and Mum used to take me to Church when I was two or three and they had a band. They’d have to drag me home because I’d be dancing between the pews and never wanting it to end!
By the time I hit 7 or 8 I was dreaming of being some type of performer- I loved to sing.
At 11 I decided I wanted to learn to play guitar so I could write my own music and perform and I never really looked back after that.

Who are your musical influences? How has this evolved over the years? Does the type of music you listen to influence the type of music you yourself play?
I am heavily influenced by 70’s Classic Rock and the 90’s Grunge era specifically. I am a huge AC/DC (Bon Scott especially) fan along with Zeppelin, Sabbath, Alice in Chains and Audioslave.
When I was younger I was into the super classic, uptempo tunes and wrote to match this. Nowadays, I lean into a darker, moodier vibe. I am a huge fan of Monster Magnet and definitely try and convey that influence into our newer tunes.
I listen to so much different music these days. When I’m playing just for myself I wander off into the Acoustic folk/Acoustic Blues territory so I find myself having to be a little more disciplined when trying to write for Evol Walks. Otherwise I end up with 6/8, sad, acoustic ballads!

Describe your sound, and what fans can expect from a live Evol Walks concert?
We are heavy but melodic and our music has movement to it. Lots of riffs, guitar solos and bluesy goodness for good measure!
Fans can expect a group of passionate musicians giving the performance everything they have and laying it all bare onstage.
If there is a bar nearby and I am wireless I may try and give you a Coyote Ugly impression… but with less co-ordination and grace haha.

Your latest single “Gun & A Crucifix” has just been released and was initially written back in 2015. Why did you feel like now was the time to release it? How has the song evolved since it was first written?
Gun & a Crucifix has been a band favourite to play live for so long. We had different demos sitting around, we tried recording it and then sending it away to a Producer and it just didn’t work out. I’d kinda almost given up hope of ever getting it out as we’d spent so much money trying to get a studio version and it just seemed like it wasn’t going to happen. Then, out of the Swedish mists, Chris Wetterstrom appeared and worked his insane magic and brought the track to life!
When I first co-wrote this with my good friend and former Producer, Stuart Stuart, we had a rad Demo but we hadn’t fleshed out the instrumentals. It was fantastic but I wanted to add guitar solos and some extra bits and pieces. When I brought the tune into rehearsal, the guys just went to town and helped create what is now the epic solo and Bridge/Outtro Chorus of the song. They definitely added the live element that was hard to pin down during the writing sessions.

What’s the inspiration behind ‘Gun & A Crucifix’, where did the title originate?
I am incredibly drawn to the idea of darkness and light/good and evil and the power of perception. One person’s Heaven is another’s Hell etc etc. I was watching a lot of Cult documentaries (Jonestown, Heaven’s Gate etc) and was fascinated. I wanted to explore this and decided to use the symbolism of Gun (perceived Evil) and Crucifix (perceived Good) and just tell a story. There are other things I was also trying to say but I don’t really want to go further and find myself in trouble haha.



You’ve shared the stage with the likes of The Killers, Nita Strauss and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers among others, how was the experience? Is there any advice or anything you’ve learnt from those experiences that has stayed with you?
It is always a bit of a daunting experience being on the same lineup or sharing the stage with such incredibly influential names. The one that sticks out in my mind most was honestly being onstage with Nita, which I was lucky enough to do on two separate occasions.
I got the call that Nita was doing a Guest Curated set at a Los Angeles jam evening and was asked if I could sing Iron Maiden. I said yes and ended up doing 4 tracks with her that night. It was absolutely terrifying because these were tough songs- Number of the Beast, The Duellists, The Trooper and then Poison by Alice Cooper.
I learnt that night that preparation is KEY! It was my responsibility to learn my parts perfectly, we had one run through right before the show and that was it. The other takeaway was that, all that matters in that moment is the music you are playing and the people you are playing it with. They are your Team in that moment and you are all there to support each other and give the Crowd the best performance you can.

Your move to LA could be considered a whirlwind trip, how does it feel now looking back more than 8 years later? Is there anything you wish you knew when you first made the move?
Yeah… it kinda was! Haha. I literally hopped on a plane with 0 plans or expectations. Moving to LA is very daunting when you read all of the stories from other Aussies who have taken the leap of faith. I wish I knew a little more about the landscape of the city and how US Culture functioned. I found myself very lost and confused for the first part of my move.

What does the writing process look like for you? Where do you find the inspiration for your music?
My process varies. Sometimes I will be playing guitar and come up with a melody or chord progressing and I will record it in my voice notes. Sometimes lyrics will pop into my head or a poem and I will write those down in my notebook. If I am co-writing we might brainstorm a topic and then try and figure out what music to suit that topic or mood might be. I am not incredibly organised when it comes to my creative process- that’s for sure haha.

Given you have experienced both the Australian and American musical landscape do you feel like it differs? If so, how?
America has such a massive population that I feel there is more room for musical diversity. There are clubs that specifically cater to every genre you can think of, from Blues to psych-rock, techno, Black Metal, Deathcore, Jazz-fusion etc and each have a dedicated and interested audience.
Australia has an extremely supportive music scene but it is quite a bit smaller so it is more competitive to find that sweet spot. I do miss the accessibility of venues and tour opportunities in the Australian scene. It is much more expensive to tour in the USA than to do so in Australia as an Australian Artist. This is in my experience at least.\

Any advice for any up and coming musicians?
Never stop learning and growing. Go to local shows, support your Mate’s bands and others coming up with you. Every time you step on that stage, walk off with nothing left to give. And be nice x

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?
Do not wear heels onstage, your back is going to hate you in 2021. Stop drinking.

What does touring look like for you in a ‘post-covid’ world?
I wish I could tell you… At the moment I can’t.



What’s next for Evol walks? Are there any live performances on the horizon?
We are filming the Music Video for Gun & a Crucifix on Monday next week which we hope to release by January and we are working on a new single right now!

Do you have a favourite or memorable experience with a fan that’s stayed with you?
Towards the end of 2019, I had a fan from the UK send a package to me. She had commissioned a Funko Pop Doll in my likeness with Evol Walks branding and sent it to me. She also sent me a Pandora bracelet and a box of toys for my dog Havok. Although we have never met in person, it was one of the sweetest things I have ever received. Big shoutout to Leanne if she’s reading this x

If you could play with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I’d love to duet with Bon Scott. He’ll always be my first love! Haha.

Dream place to tour and or venue to play?
Madison Square Garden or Wembley.

Fan favourites in a minute-the first answers that come to mind
Favourite icecream Coconut!
Favourite movie Ooh… Rocky Horror Picture Show or Jurassic Park! … or Beetlejuice… Or American Psycho…
CD vs Vinyl Vinyl all the way babeh
Favourite artist (can be non music related) I’m going to pick a non-musical Artist just for fun. Mark Ryden
Biggest inspiration My Mum x My Grandma is a pretty close tie though.
Favourite Disney movie Coco… Or the Little Mermaid.










Press Release 23rd November 2021 (below) HERE

returns with a
fierce new single
