Project Description


Flaming Wrekage


Flaming Wrekage


Interview with

(16th May 2024)

Interview by Dave Bruce


Flaming Wrekage


Have you always wanted to be an artist? When did you get the songwriting bug?
I remember my parents bought me guitar hero 3 for a Christmas present and that really opened the door musically for me, hearing Metallica, Slayer, and so many other bands for the first time was just eye opening, after a year or so of being addicted to the game I saved up and bought a guitar, learning AC/DC – Let There Be Rock has so much open space for improvisation over the solo section kind of awoke the writing side.

How did the band come together? Briefly describe the journey since then.
I was actually in a band before Flaming Wrekage, we actually opened for them on one of their first album launch shows, Dave hated me haha but I was actually a fan of the band from there. My band ended up breaking up and they separated from their guitarist and Dave reached out, so I guess it was fate? Haha
From there we’ve had a couple of line up changes but Lach on bass and Matt on drums is the perfect match for us!

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think fans resonate with your music?
I’d say it’s a mix of melodic death metal and thrash metal. That being said I’m super keen on pushing genres and just making the music we feel like making, you can definitely see that if you compare our older stuff to our new album Terra Inferna. Nothing is off the table for me as long as it sounds good!

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
I recently saw Sleep Token and Bring Me The Horizon on their Aussie tour and talk about two vastly different performances! The atmosphere and mystique of sleep tokens set to the extreme energy and charisma of Bring Me’s.
I’m also a huge Marty Friedman fan and watching what his band does live is breathtaking!



Your latest album ‘TERRA INFERNA’ has just been released! Describe its origin and evolution.
We started writing this back during COVID, we actually even started writing some of these songs before releasing our last album ‘Cathedral Of Bones’
We approached this one differently from the last two that I was a part of, a lot more of a joint effort. Some songs came about from drum/rhythmic patterns, others came from noodling around in Japanese guitar scales. We really pushed pre production on this one as well which meant for the recording process with Chris Themelco from Monolith studios was a lot more creative, and us bouncing ideas off each-other.

What are the signature tracks, and which are your favourites to play live?
We have only played two songs off the album live so far, and I know we’re all super keen to get into more of them and see the fan reaction, personally I live for the energy feedback from live audiences, it’s fine to release songs and see the online responses, but nothing beats fans screaming their lungs out in your face or throwing down in the pit to the song!
Highlight tracks I’m keen to get into “Blood And Bone”, “Hell On Earth”, and “Enduring Decay” are all so fun to play!



What tours and events are coming up? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
We’ve got album launch shows in both Melbourne and Sydney coming up, then we’re planning to hit some regionals and a couple more main city shows before hitting Europe again at the end of the year!
In terms of what the fans can expect, high energy shows and some fan interaction with some other great bands!

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
Children of Bodom hands down, Alexi Laiho is one of my favourite guitarist’s of all time and I feel their fan base would really vibe with our sound!

What are your long-term aspirations as a music artist and how are you progressing towards them?
Hopefully hitting more countries and taking our sound global. Bigger and better production is definitely a goal for us, giving the crowd a night they’ll never forget is high on our priority list! This year will be the second time hitting Europe, and hopefully it opens some more doors for when we return for the third time, and even when going to different countries!
Other than that personally I’d like to collaborate with as many artists as possible, music fan first so to be around other like minded musicians working on music is a massive goal!

With that in mind, what piece of advice would you give to an artist starting out?
Get out there and do it! How ever you need to and however you can just do it! Make the music you want to make, surround yourself with support like minded people, and get out there!



What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
Instant feedback and using their energy to feed your own on stage is an amazing feeling.
Career highlights would have to including:
Opening for Katatonia at the Metro Theatre (sold out)
Touring internationally in general (Indonesia and Europe)
And opening for Soilwork

Finally, just a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – this changes constantly, but if I had to pick a number 1, Chedora – DIMLIM
Artist – Marty Friedman
Movie – Alien
Place to visit – Czech Republic
Venue to play – Frankie’s Pizza RIP
Food – Pizza
Drink – Beer
Person in History –  Miyamoto Musashi
Tattoo – (If you don’t have one, what would you get?)  my back piece is a massive Japanese Hannya mask with snakes and flowers, done by the very talented Ryan Ussher starts at the shoulders and goes to just past the bum

Album Review
Review by Bri Steele


Flaming Wrekage


Exclusive Album Launch Shows!

Sat May 25
The Workers Club, Melbourne

Sat June 8
The Lansdowne, Sydney



Flaming Wrekage


Check out FLAMING WREKAGE below
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Flaming Wrekage.

Press Release 26th April 2024 (below) HERE

new track

+ New album
out now

++ Exclusive
Album Launch Shows

Stream: HERE / Order: HERE

‘TERRA INFERNA’ album released via Grindhead Records: April 26th, 2024



Flaming Wrekage.