Project Description

Interview with


by Dave Bruce


Forest Hall

Photo – Dani Hansen



So how did you guys get started as a band?
Forest Hall started around late 2015 originally as somewhat of a experiment/ recording project of main songwriter Mislav Belobrajdic who was inspired to record some songs. Between Mislav and his long time friend/ drummer Julian Moxon the band was started & through the recordings the band began & was formed. 

We’re nearing the end of the year and hearing your first release since your self-titled EP ‘Forest Hall’, what have you guys been up to?
Over the last year and a half we have been working hard on recording our sophomore EP and it’s done! We’re very, very proud of it and are looking forward to sharing more songs off the EP as well as sharing the EP with the world in the new year.

It looks like this video clip was a fun one to do, talk us through the creative of filming ‘Broke Forever’.
Honestly, it was kind of slap dash. Mislav had the key idea of Jordan in Swedish Death metal face paint and some what of an elaborate story line to accompany, but Matt, Jordans editor created somewhat of a more simplified, refined version of the story arc involving Jordan being an intruder in someones house and taking part in a variety of lurid activities. We finished up after a few hours of shooting and then feasted like kings!  

What do you feel you draw your inspiration from when writing lyrics and music?
Musically it’s always changing, but we defiantly rooted ourselves into the music that inspired us to start making music in the first place bands like Wavves, Ty Segall & Qotsa. In terms of the lyrics we try not to overthink things and ten to write whatever comes straight to mind, it tends to keep it fresh and honest; just life’s up and downs and everyday experiences.  

What are some goals Forest Hall are working towards at the moment? 
Currently we’re just keen to be putting new music out as well as some new videos we’ve completed! We’re also thinking about writing some new songs – the warm weather is some of the best inspiration we’ve ever had to kick up back into gear!



What’s the weirdest thing that has happened to you this year?
Probably moving to a tiny town three hours of out Sydney with Jordan & my girlfriend! That was pretty weird…

Can you tell us a bit about your live show? What could we expect to see?
Our live show these days is much like a crappy old steam train- it’s rickety here and there, sometimes it may even roll of the tracks, but generally it pummels you very hard in the upper to mid torso and will no doubt get you to your requested destination. 

Well, are you playing anywhere soon that we can catch you at?
Yes, we will be playing at a friends house party in an as of yet undisclosed location in  Sydney to launch our buddies Particles up and coming EP. Not the best details but if you keep an eye on our socials there will be more info dropping soon! We’ll also have many more shows coming up soon we promise!

When can we expect to hear more from Forest Hall?
We have a lot of stuff coming! You can expect a new video and tune coming in the next month and then the same again the month after!

Go on, plug us. Where can we follow you?
All the usuals! Look below.


Forest Hall


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