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Interview with

(23rd November 2022)

Interview by Brittany Long




“In a world saturated with throwaway, cookie-cutter pop, it’s a breath of fresh air to discover an artist who chooses to write from the heart and express from the depths of within.” – The Point Music News



Let’s go back to the beginning, where did your journey with music originate?
There was always music in the home when I was a kid. I used to love watching musicals and opera’s on tv as a tiny kid & then growing up I got into loving the music that my parents listened to – Shania Twain, Celine Dion, The Beatles etc (a broad mix!). I used to sing along with everything as a kid and then my parents put me into singing lessons in grade 1 at school, which would have been when I was about 7 years old.

Who are your musical influences? How has this evolved over the years? Does the type of music you listen to influence the type of music you play?
I am super inspired by singer-songwriters like Sara Bareilles, Delta Goodrem, Jon Foreman (Switchfoot) and Taylor Swift. They have all been influencers in my songwriting because they are beautiful story tellers. I think my music taste has always been quite broad, I listen to many different genres, depending on my mood & what I am doing/working on at the time. I think there is an influence from the type of music I play – however it seems to work in reverse for me, I listen to artists who are similar to the music I like to write because I find it inspiring.

Congratulations on the release of your latest single “Home In Your Arms”. Can you share the inspiration behind the track and also the origins of the title?
Yeah! So this is a pretty personal song to me as it is inspired by my current relationship. Usually I write about things after they happen, so it was a big step for me releasing this in the same season as what is happening in the song. As with many people, the last few years have been a tough, but exciting few years filled with a lot of growth & some struggle for me. Home In Your Arms is about finding the comfort and ‘home’ amid chaos and the struggle of growth. I feel that it is relatable for so many people though where they can find comfort in the arms of their loved ones.

‘Home’ is much more than just a place to many people and your song echoes this feeling of home being in someone’s embrace. Tell me about who ‘home’ is for you?
I mean home can be with any of your loved ones, like your family or your best friend, you know – the people who you love. In specific, I was talking about my gorgeous boyfriend in this song, he has been there for me through a lot & I am very grateful for the comfort and encouragement that he gives me.

You have worked under the likes of Katie Noonan as a vocal coach, what was that experience like?
Yeah, It was a great experience working as one of the vocal coaches for the Eumundi School Of Rock in 2020 & 2021. So inspiring working alongside such skilled and established musicians and having the opportunity to help raise up a new generation of amazing young musicians.

You have a passion for teaching and also work at your own vocal school Melody Suite, how important is it to you to foster and inspire the next generation of songwriters and musicians?
Teaching is something that I am super passionate about. I find so much joy in seeing other singers reaching their goals & growing in their craft. It is important to me to not only be constantly increasing my skills as a singer and songwriter but also to use my skills to coach others in those crafts.

Do you have someone like a particular teacher or vocal coach who has been influential in inspiring you and supporting your passion for music?
I have had many amazing teachers along my music journey, from the faculty at Sunshine Beach State High, where I graduated in 2012, to my long-term child/teen-hood singing teacher Debra Casey, my late singing teacher Meg Kiddle – both of which have helped me train and grow my vocal skills as I’ve grown into who I am today as a vocalist. And also, my university composition teacher Michal Rosiak and head of composition Gerardo Dirie who have both taught and stretched me in my compositional and song writing skills over the last three years. There are many more along the journey who have been inspiring and supportive along my journey, and I am very grateful.

Describe your sound, and what fans can expect from a live performance?
I love to put a lot of emphasis on vocals in my performances, whether its strong and powerful or soft and beautiful – I find this my favourite element of storytelling & conveying emotion. Additionally to this, I love a good live band – as you may hear from my latest single. If its not that, then it will be just me with my acoustic guitar and/or keyboard.

Do you have any upcoming live performances lined up that we should know about?
There is the upcoming GCGU Graduating Composers Concert on the 30th of Nov (Griffith Conservatorium Ian Hanger Hall), where I will be premiering Home In Your Arms Live. Additionally to this, there aren’t any upcoming performances at this stage.

What’s next for Hannah, is there an album on the cards?
Yes, absolutely! You can be expecting an album drop in 2023!

What does the song writing process look like for you? Where do you find the inspiration for your music?
Often I find my inspiration from life experiences and relationships. However, I do spend a fair chunk of time writing songs for other people – as a freelance ghost-writer, which is quite fun! In these cases, I love to chat to the artist and find the emotion behind the story they are wanting to tell & then make that story a reality with song.
Often I will start with a lyrical concept & then work with my piano or guitar to improvise ideas until I come up with something that fits the right vibe – then do the technical editing things later on 😊

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?
Don’t worry so much about what people will think! It has taken me a long time to over come the fear of releasing music out into the world & I would encourage myself to give it a go sooner.

Is there a song you wish you’d written and what is it?
I wish I had written Gravity by Sara Bareilles. It is such a beautiful song & I sing it in the car all the time.

If you could play with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would love to play a show with Keith Urban. I really enjoy his music and he seem like an awesome, down to earth and inspiring person to jam with. I also love his music of course!

Dream place to tour and or venue to play?
I would love to play a show in the QPAC Lyric Theatre, it is such a beautiful venue.

Fan favourites in a minute- the first answers that come to mind
Favourite icecream – Massimo’s Chocolate + Coconut icecream (one scoop of each)
Favourite movie – Shrek
CD vs Vinyl – I’ve always wanted a Vinyl, but don’t actually have one, so I have to say CD.
Favourite artist (can be non music related) – I cannot pick a favourite! Don’t do this to me haha
Biggest inspiration – My loved ones
Favourite Disney movie – Cinderella






Press Release 18th November 2022 (below) HERE


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