Project Description
Interview with
by Vicky Hebbs
Praise for KO KO MO
“The group does not lock itself into a simple reverence to the fundamentals of any genre. [KO KO MO] meets psychedelism, electronic music, and almost grunge riffs.” – Longueur d’Ondes
“the KO KO MO duo has been generating a special fascination with completely abrasive and highly charged concerts” – INDIEMUSIC
“few groups having managed to stage such a passing madness.” – Ferarock
Have you always been interested in making music? When did it become a serious prospect for you?
Warren: Almost since we were both babies… For my part, I knew at the age of 6 that music would be part of me for the rest of my life. And so when daddy showed me the movie The Blues Brothers and I saw John Lee Hooker playing ‘Boom Boom’ the decision was pretty serious… Even at 6… K20’s father was a musician so he grew up with all the great albums. He has been playing with many bands for many years.
What kind of music did you grow up on?
We always listened to and been interested in many styles. K20 grew up with Led Zeppelin, Santana, etc and he’s got an incredible Hip Hop vinyl collection. We are both big fans of Bjork and Radiohead, and I grew up with more Blues, R’N’B, Late 60s-mid 70s Rock’n’ Roll.
What artists inspired you and which do you still look to now for ideas?
That would be people like Thom Yorke, Neil Young, Rory Gallagher, The Beatles… Also an amazing band from Netherlands called DeWolff. What else? … AC/DC? Haha.
You have been described as ‘genre-defying.’ How would you describe your sound foranyone who has not yet listened to your music?
Oh Really? There’s a lot of energy and different influences. We try to get the good old vibes from the strong 70s bluesy riffs and melodies to the trance of a rave party…
What inspired you to write the track, ‘Technicolour Life’?
My girl inspired this song. We met each other when we were both pretty down and she’s a painter. So she got me into her colourful world!
If someone had never listened to KO KO MO before, what song of yours would yourecommend if they could only listen to one?
I really don’t know … Maybe the first one ‘Pass It On’… Or maybe our ‘Personal Jesus’ cover. A lot of people discovered us with this video which you can see here
What can be expected from one of your live shows?
We just want to play the best we can. Have fun together and share great energies with the audience. It’s just simple as that!
Who are your current major music influences?
I was talking about DeWolff before, They’re really great. Patrick Waton is amazing too. There are so many! But we don’t have time to see gigs anymore – except the bands we meet during festivals.
If you could play any venue in the world, where would it be?
Royal Albert Hall (Concert Hall in London)!!… No honestly, we don’t care too much, we love to play everywhere. We are more interested by the public than the venue generally. Of course, it’s awesome to play on a HUUUGE stage, but we really want to keep doing small venues.
If you could pick absolutely anyone to bring on tour with you, whom would you pickand why? (Dead or Alive)
My wife and son and friends and family. Because they represent your stability, but we are not big enough to bring everyone on tour.
What are you most excited for when you visit Australia for your upcoming shows?
Simply the life in Australia and Australians. Are they really more Rock ‘n’ Roll than in Europe? …
What are your major goals as a duet for the next year or two ?
We will release the second album next Spring. So we are really excited to see how the public will react to it. We are really proud of this album, even more than the first one, we think.
Do you have any longer-term goals?
There’s a big one yes … Still love each other and just play together the longer time we can. It’s a good start.