Project Description

Interview with


Interviewer – Vicky Hebbs






Have you always written songs? When did you know this could be a viable career for you?
I started writing songs when I was 13, but the first major song I wrote I was 15 and it was Face for the Radio about one of my friends and I realised I was on to something.

How did you select those specific five songs for the EP?
They’re all some of my favourite songs, I enjoy singing them and find them versatile. Was something to do while in between albums.

You released your debut album, ‘No Thank You,’ last year. Can you share the concept behind the album?
Just songs I’ve always played and covered . I grew up in a predominantly female household so I’ve always had a love for Tina Turner and Shania Twain.  

What inspired you to write the song, ‘Kelly,’ from the album?
A lot of the songs on the album were created during my sobriety in rehab but I also had some of the melodies from years ago that weren’t the right vibe for The View. The album from start to finish kind of fell into place about dealing with my demons to coming out the other end a family man but not your classic wearing socks with sandals kind of dad. Just not as fucking mental. When I was in rehab a lot of the group discussions made me realise I wasn’t alone but also that I didn’t really have a lot of issues. I mean there were people there who had really dark shit and Kelly was inspired by that. Not by anyone’s story or anyone in particular just that we should stop judging people cause we don’t know their story or what they have been through, so I ended up with Kelly.  

For anyone who has yet to listen to your music, which song or songs would you direct them to first?
Off of the new album? I would direct them to Poor Me first cause it kicks the album right off, then… fuck it I’d say listen to it all. You’ll love it!  

If you had to choose song lyrics (from anyone) that were your words to live by, or perhaps lyrics to tattoo on yourself, what would you most likely choose at this moment?
“The past was yours but the futures mine, you’re all out of time.” The stone roses – says it all really.  



You are coming to Australia in July. Have you been before? Is there anywhere in particular you are keen to visit?
It’s billed as my first time because it is my first official trip over solo. But I’ve been over before with The View and toured there with Mark Ronson. I can’t get enough of Sydney, I was so close to moving there before meeting my fiancé a few years back! Can’t wait to get back.

What can we expect from a live Kyle Falconer show? What else have you got planned for 2019?
There will be some view bangers in there. But be ready for a few surprises too. It’s a different vibe and I’m enjoying it! Might even chuck in a few requests it depends on the vibe of the night and the crowd. 2019 I’ve got festivals coming up, a lot of exciting plans underway in America as well!  

If you could perform live or record with any artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
John Lennon. Could have guessed ha ha! Just because he’s John Lennon, I would love to hear his voice in a room let alone record with him. We’d probably clash and crash each other or we’d get on like a house on fire either way I’d love to do it!  

Do you have any major aspirations or longer-term goals as a music artist?
I reckon the next thing to aim for is a Grammy, the song writing is a lot different than it used to be and you gotta be in it to win it.  

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – White Album, The Beatles  
Artist – The Beatles  
Movie – Eyes Wide Shut  
Place to visit – Japan  
Venue to play – Barrowlands in Glasgow  
Food – Macaroni or Thai food
Drink – Modello beer  
Person in history – Mozart  
Tattoo – Malificent tattoo I got in Australia 



Tour Dates:

Thursday 11 July 2019 – Northcote Social Club, Melbourne  

Friday 12 July 2019 – Milk Factory, Brisbane  

Saturday 13 July 2019 – Factory Theatre, Sydney  

Sunday 14 July 2019 – Badlands, Perth



Check out KYLE FALCONER below


