Project Description

Matt Goss.

Interview with

(11th October 2021)

Interview by Vicky Hebbs



matt goss.

What has prompted you to leave Las Vegas and move back to the UK?
I wanted to travel the world and go back to my pop roots.

How would you describe the music you write? How has your music evolved over the years?
I would describe my writing as emotional and it comes from an extremely truthful place. I think I now understand how to let go of certain melodies and lyrics quicker so I can get to the more meaningful ones. 

How did you find your way back to pop music?
I had an overwhelming feeling within me that I had to see the world again and I knew that my love and understanding of pop hits was very much alive and new music would enable me to see fans globally that I miss so much especially in Australia! 

You have just released your latest single “Nowhere to Fall.” Can you share the origins or inspiration behind the song?
We’ve all been through so much during these times and we often talk about feeling weak. “Somewhere To Fall” is about resting your strength and we all need that certain place whether it be an individual, a place or even a mindset. 

You are scheduled to release a new album, “The Beautiful Unknown” later this year. Can you tell us anything about the forthcoming album?
The title of the album ‘Beautiful Unknown’ addresses our inherent fear of the unknown and I wanted to write a truthful album to encourage people and myself to believe that the unknown can be a beautiful thing and not something to fear. 

What was the song writing process like for you during the pandemic? Did it impact the way you wrote music?
I completely fell out of love with music in the beginning of lock down and I didn’t want to touch my guitars, piano and I certainly didn’t want to sing. It felt like a deep loss within me, so when I sat down at the piano and wrote “Shipwreck” and recorded it with BabyFace, it was like seeing a long lost relative for the first time. I literally couldn’t wait to write the album of my life, which I believe I have. 



What have the past two years been like for you?
It has been emotional and enlightening, but has illuminated the fortitude that I have that can bring things to fruition and has allowed me to see clearly the small circle of dear friends that I do have. 

Do you have any plans to tour in the near future? Can UK fans expect any live gigs from you?
Everyday we talk about touring “The Beautiful Unknown”, that will be the name of the tour. So yes, this album goes hand in hand with wanting to get on stage and play it. 

Do you have any plans to come to Australia in the near future? I know there are lots of fans who would love to see you live!
This is the first time in many years that I can with certainty say I will be coming back to Australia! 

Where do you see yourself in your music career in a year’s time?
Smashing it. 

If you could speak to yourself at the start of your music career and say one thing, what would you say to them?
Don’t worry as much, don’t sweat the small stuff and get a good business manager. 

If you had the chance to collaborate with any pop singer or musician (alive or dead) who would you choose and why?
Alive would be Adele, as I would love to do a big duet with her and deceased would be Michael Jackson or Prince. They were such massive influences on me growing up.

What is one thing you are still aiming to achieve or a long-term goal in your music career?
Just to have a #1 album in the world. 


matt goss





Press Release 5th October 2021 (below) HERE

announces new single
lifted from the forthcoming studio album

