Project Description

Interview with


Interviewer – Vicky Hebbs


Monnone Alone


Last month, esteemed Melbourne outfit Monnone Alone revealed their first new material in over five years with the instantly recognisable indie jam ‘Cut Knuckle’. The long awaited single is the first to be revealed of the outfit’s forthcoming album Summer of The Mosquito, following from their 2013 LP Together at Last. Fronted by former Lucksmiths bassists and Lost and Lonesome label head Mark Monnone, the four-piece are excited to now gift fans with a brand new video created by artistic all-rounder Lehmann B. Smith ahead of their Melbourne single launch at The Gasometer on Saturday 13 October.



How did you first get into music? When did it become a serious?

When we were kids. my older sister used to dress me up as Gene Simmons from Kiss and she was always Paul Stanley. After a while I got to be pretty good at applying my own make-up, so I decided to go it alone without the sis. From there I became a bit of a wiz around the school ground, dazzling many fourth-graders with my cardboard-guitar-on-a-tennis-racket shtick. When I was in year 7 I went to see my first proper show – Dire Straits at the Myer Music Bowl. Around then is when it became serious.


What kind of music did you grow up on? What artists inspired you and which do you still look to now for ideas?

It’s funny – whilst making our recent record, I’ve found myself returning to a lot of the old favourites I had in high school. Early Hoodoo Gurus and Hunters & Collectors, Australian Crawl, Midnight Oil, The Kinks… Blue Ruin was a big one for me and I got to see them play a reformation show last year which was awesome. I got into a fair bit of punk rock too, back in the day and I still look to bands like Minor Threat and Fugazi, especially when it comes to things like putting on shows and organising tours. I also find endless inspiration in artists like Little Wings, Chris Cohen, Dear Nora, Sonny & the Sunsets and Juan Wauters. Loosely speaking, I guess you’d call it folk music, a lot of it mostly rooted somewhat in the Grateful Dead. Oh, and then there’s Jonathan Richman… Don’t get me started on Jonathan!


As the boss of “Lost and Lonesome”, how do you find a balance between your everyday life and your musical one? Which role do you prefer more?

Well, my “everyday life” is mostly stay-at-home-dad at the moment, so most of my L&L label work happens between the hours of 10pm and 4am. Can’t say it’s ideal but it’s actually pretty cool to get a flow on into the wee hours. Musically, I’m in a verdant patch at the moment, writing songs almost daily (whilst pushing a baby stroller around the park), and having plenty of time to enjoy the Monnone Alone works in progress before the album comes out next year. Given the choice, the L&L office would be staffed by hip millennial’s and I’d just be playing music full time, with a baby strapped to my back.


Monnone Alone

You can stream/embed the latest track ‘Cut Knuckle’ via


With your latest solo offering “Cut Knuckle” can you describe its origins and evolution?

That song was written many moons ago, during a winter spent house-sitting on Flinders Island, Tasmania. I wrote Cut Knuckle and (an earlier single) ‘Eddie’ in a frenzy of dog walking, beach combing, bread baking wholesomeness. I was listening to a lot of Television Personalities and Art Museums at the time and I think I can hear echoes of that when I listen to those records today. Half a decade after writing it, ‘Cut Knuckle’ has certainly been around the block quite a few times; a regular in the set, it’s had different drummers and bass players all leave their mark on where it’s ended up, like a sonic amoeba. I love that about it.


When is your album due for release?

That’s a good question. It’s pretty much 100% complete but I’m still looking to the stars and planets for when to set it loose. 2019 is looking likely though.


If someone had never listened to Monnone Alone before, what song of yours would you recommend to them if they could only listen to one?

Damn, now I wish I had’ve done that ‘Stars on 45’ remix/medley of all the songs on my first album. I guess ‘Pink Earrings’ is a good place to start.


You have a single launch at The Gasometer in 13 October. Are there any further dates coming up in the near future? Any major touring plans on the drawing board?

I hope so! We’re really trying hard to get the band on the road early-next year. No dates are sorted as yet, but we’re welcome to any invitations to play backyards, frisbee tournaments, crafternoons…



If you could pick absolutely anyone to bring on tour with you, whom would you pick and why? (Dead or Alive)

At this stage, I’d just be happy to take my bandmates on tour with me (preferably whilst still alive). Joe, Gus and Louis – premium humans. However, with families and jobs all vying for top spot on the priorities list these days, going on tour seems like a crazy notion.


What are your major goals or milestones for the future?

Go on tour.


Finally, this is a paragraph dedicated to some quick discovery. Really corny, but for the fans, can you tell me your favorite album, artist, movie, place, drink, meal and person (living or dead) and some brief reasons why? Answer some or all please?

Album – Jonathan Sings!by Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers. When I was 19, I had Jonathan Sings! stuck on my car tape deck for an entire summer. It was literally stuck in there and none of my friends could get it out. I guess it could have gone either way – I could’ve hated that album after that, or else its tender tunes and oddball charm would slowly reveal more and more of itself and eventually work itself into my DNA. It’s probably the closest I’ve come to experiencing Stockholm Syndrome. I have since become a lifetime obsessive of Jonathan’s records and have seen him play dozens of times including a few shows in the UK when my old band The Lucksmiths opened for him in 2001. Earlier this year (twenty-five years of repeated listening later), my car was stolen and written off. My entire tape collection was in there, including Jonathan Sings! No tapes were recovered. Life is meaningless.

Artist – Full of vivid imagery and untold beauty, Dear Nora (AKA Portland’s Katy Davidson)’s songs never fail to drop me to the canvas in an intense awe-filled bear hug. With a stack of great albums (and songs that range from fingerpicked campfire ballads to full-blown psych wig-outs) Katy has always stayed true to her unique angle on where a song can transport the listener to. After a ten-year break Katy (with a new Dear Nora line-up) has recently returned with the album Skulls Example and it’s typically awesome.

Movie – Drifting Clouds by Aki Kaurismäki the great Finnish director. Bleak but full of warmth, extremely moving and at times hilarious. As with all his films, he manages to say so much with very little dialogue. Just amazing.

Meal – the Rubenstein (vegan Ruben sandwich) from Smith & Deli! Drooling all over my keyboard just typing about it.


Monnone Alone


‘Cut Knuckle’
Single Launch

Saturday 13 October 

The Gasometer Upstairs, Melbourne
with Cool Sounds + Way Dynamic
Tickets $10 on the door from 8pm

Set times:
Way Dynamic: 8.15–8.55pm
Cool Sounds: 9.15–9.55pm
Monnone Alone: 10.15–11pm

‘Cut Knuckle’ is out now via
The Lost and Lonesome Recording Co.

Limited edition 7″ Vinyl including B-side
‘Difficult Boy’ available via Bandcamp


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