Project Description



Interview with

(December 2020)

Interviewer – Vicky Hebbs



Having first made a name for himself when he first catapulted into the limelight in 2015 with ‘Cheerleader’, OMI’s hit record has since gone on to amass over 3 billion streams. Following this, OMI has created equally as infectious records such as ‘Bring My Baby Back’, ‘JAMBO’, ‘Masterpiece’, ‘Drop in The Ocean’ and many more, which have rightfully earned the Jamaican heartthrob the title ‘master of heartfelt harmonies’.

With the world gearing up for a second lockdowns, OMI who has successfully ran his music career from his humble abode in Clarendon, located just a stone throw away from Kingston, Jamaica, could most certainly  teach fellow artists a thing or two about living out your dreams in paradise.

Having just released end-of year heater ‘Rollercoaster’ via Ultra Music, OMI has gathered quite the experience since stepping out on the scene, navigating the international music industry, whilst composing hit records that resonate with fans in all corners of the globe. Check out ‘Rollercoaster’ here. 



Have you always wanted to release music?
Yes I’ve always wanted to release music.

When did you know you wanted to be a musician?
I knew I wanted to be a musician from the age of 14, that’s when I discovered that I had the ability to write and compose music.

How would you describe your personal sound?
My personal sound is very unique, versatile and evolving every day.

Who are your biggest music influences?
My biggest musical influences range from Bob Marley, Sam Cooke to Nat King Cole.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?
To this day one of my favourite performances is by Micheal Jackson, when he wowed us with his smooth effortless version of the moonwalk.



In 2015, you made a name for yourself with the hit single, ‘Cheerleader’. How has life changed for you since then?
Life has changed significantly for me since my breakthrough in the business back in 2015 and everyday I am reliving that success – 3 billion streams, multi-platinum. I am humbled and grateful.

You just released your new track, ‘Rollercoaster’! Can you share the inspiration behind the song?
The inspiration behind the Rollercoaster single came through working with Jenson Vaughan on Hula Hoop. After the success of Hula Hoop he thought it would be a great idea to recreate the moment, all things considered I agree.

What do you hope listeners will think or feel when they hear the song?
As always I hope to trigger a joyful emotion especially because these are really tough times for a lot of people.

What is next for you in 2020 and the new year?
Well like many others I’m just trying to get through this year with the hope that 2021 will be a better year for everyone.

Do you have any more new releases scheduled?
Yes as a matter fact we do have another single which I’m pretty excited about. We’re also scheduled to shoot a video soon so I’m really looking forward to this one.



If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?
Well it would make sense to choose one who’s alive. Lol. That would be John Legend because I am inspired by his musicality and his humble demeanour.

What has it been like living in Jamaica during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Living in Jamaica during the Covid pandemic has been really tough for everyone. We, Jamaicans are very friendly, engaging and jovial so having these lock down restrictions are challenging. But on the other hand we just do what we have to do to keep everyone safe until this thing passes.

Has the pandemic impacted the music you’ve been working on?
The pandemic hasn’t really affected my projects since I have my own private studio to record new music and  we’re now able release and promote digitally so that helps. But I really do miss live performances and meet and greet wth my fans.

Do you have a clear vision of your future as a musician?
I personally think the world has only seen a fraction of what I’m capable of musically and I’m hopeful that will change soon.

Where do you hope to be in three years’ time?
In three year’s time I still hope to be around doing what I love and enjoying my life.



What is the best thing about performing to a live audience?
The best thing for me performing to a live audience is the personal interaction with the fans. It’s about being in the moment, very fulfilling.

What’s been the career highlight so far?
My career highlight so far has been the success of my single “Cheerleader”.

Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album: I never settle so I would say, the next one I will release, lol
Artiste: The one that I’m becoming
Movie: Avengers (the franchise)
Place to visit: Anywhere warm
Venue to play: Anywhere with an audience to entertain
Food: Rice and Peas and Chicken (Jamaican version)
Drink: Piña colada
Person in history: My Dad
Tattoo: An angel with a flaming sword



Check out OMI below




