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Interviewer: Vicky Hebbs
Ruby Gilbert makes indie rock/roots music with raw, often anguished lyrics. She describes her debut EP Dearly Beloved as “dark rootsy-blues with Americana influences.” Check out the rest of the chat we had with her before she plays Bigsound Music Festival this September.
You released you’re debut EP ‘Dearly Beloved’ in June, how does it feel to have it out in the world?
Relieved! I found there was lots of stress and anxiousness in the lead up to releasing ‘Dearly Beloved’. Since it was my first release, I wanted to make sure it was my absolute best work, but I wasn’t sure how other people would receive it.
Can you share the origins or inspiration for the EP?
A couple of years ago I rediscovered a Powderfinger album Internationalist and I had a musical awakening and realised I wanted to make music that was more rock influenced and production reliant.
That’s so interesting! How would you describe the concept or feel of the EP for anyone who hasn’t heard it yet?
I’d describe it as dark rootsy-blues with Americana influences. The production is very cinematic and old-timey.
Now you’ve released ‘Dearly Beloved’, do you have plans to tour more in the next year?
Yes! I’ve got a couple of shows around Sydney lined up towards the end of this year. I’d also love to do more shows in Melbourne next year.
How did you begin to create your own music? Is it something that you have always done or was there a point you decided to start?
I didn’t really take songwriting seriously until I was nearly 16. I already knew how to play a few musical instruments when I began songwriting which really helped to get me inspired.
Your lyrics all feel deeply personal and emotive. How do you find ideas for your songs?
I find inspiration through observing situations around me. I tend to write from the perspective of a bystander. Sometimes my songs can also stem from feeling misunderstood or not being able to articulate what is going on in my head. A lot of my lyrics and song concepts are dramatised which is why they can sound personal.
Your music has an aura of timelessness about it, do you have any key influences you can point to who influence your music style?
When I first began songwriting, I would listen to a lot of bluegrass and traditional folk music. The soundtrack to Oh, Brother Where Art Thou has a real timelessness to it, which intially inspired me. My influences now are artists such as Lindi Ortega, Marlon Williams and Nikki Lane.
You’re playing a couple of festivals this month. What are you most excited for? Are there any artists you are keen to see live while you are there?
I’m really stoked to be playing BigSound and also Dashville Skyline, as they’re festivals I’ve wanted to play for a long time, so to be playing them both in the same month is almost overwhelming (in a good way). I’m really keen to watch Sahara Beck and Didirri at Bigsound. Then at Dashville Skyline, I’m looking forward to watching C.W Stoneking and William Crighton.
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