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Interview with




With an eclectic debut in 2017, SAYAH’s first single “Addicts” quickly shot to #1 on the triple j Unearthed Pop Chart within days of being uploaded. Since then, she has played to a growing audience of converts around Sydney, including recently opening for ARIA Award winner Ruel. Her appearance on Balcony TV also won the ‘International Viewers Choice’ on their “Show Of The Week”.

With dark, lush vocals drawing comparison to Jorja Smith and the soul stylings of Erykah Badu and Amy Winehouse, SAYAH slashes the red tape on what we know about electro pop and keeps us excited of what’s to come.



How did you first get into music? When did it become a serious concern?
I started piano lessons at the age of 6 and trained as a classical pianist throughout school. I didn’t start singing til about 13, and never looked back.

When did you start creating music? Has that always been a part of your life? 
I’d always written songs growing up – not very good ones though haha. I’ve always loved poetry and the power of words, so putting that to music seemed like a natural step for me.

What kind of music did you listen to growing up? How do those artists influence your work now? 
My mum migrated to Australia from Lebanon at age 27, so she brought a strong sense of that culture with her. I really only listened to Lebanese music growing up. I think that comes through in my melodies, especially when I’m changing it up in my live shows.

How would you describe your sound for anyone who has not yet listened to a song by Sayah?
Soul, r&b, electro pop-ish with really honest lyrics.

You are set to release your new single “He’s Not Over Me” on Friday, 18th January. What inspired you to write the song? 
It was kind of the second time I’d been in a situation where a close friend ended up dating an ex of mine – so I put both stories together.. and of course, exaggerated it a little for the sake of the song hehe. It was a real therapeutic experience for me. As soon as we’d finished writing it, I was instantly over it. Like magic :)

How did you feel when you found out your first single “Addicts” had shot to #1 on the triple j Unearthed Pop Chart?
Ummm over the moon!! I seriously did not expect it – best wake up ever.


Buy/Stream “He’s not over me” HERE


If you could perform onstage with any musician, (Alive or Dead), who would it be and why? 
Donny Hathaway..  because… have you heard him sing… MELT.

What was it like opening for ARIA Award winner Ruel? Do you have any stories or special memories from the night? 
So crazy!! The audience were amazing – and Ruel, in my opinion, is one of the best artists to ever come out of Australia.
I already kind of knew Ruel because we share the same keys player and drummer, so it was pretty funny when I got the call for that gig – I didn’t have to stress about my band being available.

What are your plans for your music career in 2019? 
I don’t want to give away too much just yet, but I have some more music coming not long after HNOM. Watch this space…

Finally, this is a paragraph dedicated to some quick discovery. Really corny, but for the fans, can you tell me your favorite album, artist, movie, place, drink, meal and person (living or dead) and some brief reasons why? Answer some or all please?
ALBUM: Frank by Amy Winehouse. That album, and Amy in general, inspires so much of what I do. I think what makes this album so special is that it’s Amy in her purest form. You can really hear the jazz influence, and her lyrics are so conversational yet hit really hard. So damn good.
ARTIST: So unfair to make me pick one! Hmm.. at the moment, it’s Frank Ocean. I’m obsessed with his story telling and seriously beautiful melodies.
DRINK: I’m a bit of a grandma. I cant sleep unless I’ve had my nightly English breakfast tea.
MEAL: Again, very unfair question considering I’m Lebanese with a huge love for food – and always hungry. Seriously, I’ll eat anything – except sashimi. I’m yet to warm up to raw fish.
PERSON: My dog!! Yes he’s a person, and he’s definitely my favourite. Why, you ask?

Look at him!


Photo: Tiff Williams


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