Project Description

Interview with

(September 2020)

Interviewer – Dave Bruce


Photo – Hannah Anketell


Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you get the song writing bug?
No, actually when I was younger I wanted to be a wandering martial artist, travelling the globe and fighting people. Kinda like Ryu.
I couldn’t work out how to actually make a living from that though and it sounded like I would be hungry and smelly a lot of the time so I put that idea away.
Music, I just kinda fell in love with, it gradually evolved from a hobby to an all consuming passion. It wasn’t even that I wanted to be a musician. More that I HAD to be.

How would you describe your sound? Why do you think people resonate with your music?
It’s hard hitting, it’s intelligent (hopefully), it’s skilful (I believe), it’s positive, it’s whatever I want it to be. I try not to be constrained by genres or expectations of what other rappers are doing. I just aim to make dope music that I’m proud of whilst dropping in as many nerdy references as possible. More recently I’ve been rapping in English and Japanese so that’s been a fun experience. 
I think people resonate with my music because there isn’t really anyone doing what I do in the way I do it. So when you have a niche and you cover it well, you’ll attract people who are looking for a cool style.

Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today? 
Tech N9ne for definite. I had the honour of opening for him on his UK tour, so getting to observe one of my heroes at work was a truly pivotal experience.
Ghetts is of course a legend too. Really enjoying observing his progression.



Your new single has just been released! Describe its origin and evolution. 
It’s called Wait For The Summer, it features an awesome singer called KVNG and in short it’s a VIBE. I was in The Philippines last year, hanging out at a bar by the beach and I thought that I needed to make a song that would be the soundtrack for that experience. I took a lot of inspiration from various ideas and thoughts but in short, it’s a summer vibe, it’s smooth and it’s fun.
I’m super proud of the music video too, it’s me running around some famous game worlds trying to rescue a young lady. Trouble is, I don’t think she actually wants my help.

Is there an EP or Album on the drawing board?
Yes, as well as another volume of my manga book series ’The Way Of Shao’. For now though I’m just trying to keep putting out dope music on the regular for people to enjoy.

Any tours or events coming up soon? What are you looking forward to, and what can the fans expect?
I’m opening for R.A The Rugged Man next year, but it seems like live shows are off the table for this year and that makes me sad. I really love performing and entertaining so it’s been tough not being able to do that. But that’s life, we live and we progress. Fans can expect dope music, Kung Fu and me swinging around nunchaku if I have them with me. A Shao Dow show is like nothing you’ve seen before.



If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why? 
Bruce Lee. I don’t know what we’d do, but it would be awesome.

‘Do you have any long-term aspirations as a music artist?’
I just want to make dope music and manga for as long as humanly possible. My long term goal is to be location independent and have the ability to entertain, inspire and educate all over the world.
That’s super long term though, so for the time being, I just want to introduce as many as people as possible to what I do and convert them into supporters.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience? What’s been the career highlight so far?
Just the opportunity to connect with an audience using your sound and talent. The moments when you see an audience member turn into a fan. You can see it in their eyes, it’s addictive. The applause, the energy, the bass, the sound of my voice through the mic. The opportunity to talk to and shake hands with my fans and supporters. There’s nothing like performing live. I really miss it.
Career highlights, I feel like I’ve been blessed with loads, from performing in Japan, to performing at Reading and Leeds festival, to crowd surfing in the Czech Republic. My music career has been awesome so far, and I expect it to continue to new heights.



Finally, a few questions for some quick answers –
Album – Evanescence – The Open Door
Artist – Tech N9ne
Movie – Kung Fu Hustle
Place to visit – Anywhere sunny with a great beach
Venue to play – Anywhere with great sound, a good stage and a fantastic crowd
Food –  Jamaican food and Japanese food
Drink – Water (exciting!)
Person in History –  Do Anime characters count? If they do, Luffy or Vegeta 
Tattoo – (If you don’t have one, what would you get?) – I taught myself to read and write in Japanese, so I plan to get my name in the language. Currently I have a dragon.


Photo – Hannah Anketell


Check out SHAO DOW below


Photo – Hannah Anketell




