Project Description



‘Mississippi Bound’
Album Review

(21st October 2022)

Review by Melanie Griffiths


Ivor S.K.


There would have been many people singing the blues during the pandemic. For Sydney artist Ivor S.K who has for the last 5 years called the USA’s deep South home, he took the opportunity the pandemic presented to write his new album “Mississippi Bound”. It’s a songbook of blues and roots music that paints Ivor as a passionate writer and nuanced storyteller as he utilises all his skills in blues performance to produce an album that will impress just like his previous debut album “Montserrat” (2017).


Mississippi Bound
Think of the blues and many will think of songs based around the 12-bar structure. In “Mississippi Bound”, Ivor S.K’s opening track, the singer-songwriter is here to let you know that this album is going to be a little different. “Mississippi Bound” is a jaunty, rollicking ska-infused track that takes a low bow to the blues influenced by the Caribbean. It’s a fresh take on the genre and sets up the album for more experimentation and frivolity.

I Don’t Roll
Ivor may hail from Australia but he’s found his spiritual home in the deep south of the United States. His cadence in “I Don’t Roll” portrays an Aussie with an intimate appreciation and reverence for blues music. The song also gives him a stage to show off the flair of his guitar playing which sounds as crisp and clear as a Spring morning. Mississippi Bound features Ivor’s extensive slide guitar playing abilities and just from his performance in “I Don’t Roll” you would think he was an old pro at it.

Get Up
The genteel introduction of songs “Mississippi Bound” and “I Don’t Roll” clears the path for the roots driven “Get Up”. Produced in a more traditional blues composition, “Get Up” is a foot-stomping, attitude-filled track that takes its time to settle in its groove before picking up its tempo that has you bouncing your head along. Ivor’s gruff vocal is on show here with its edge of grittiness that works so well against the unpretentious melody and rhythm.

Talkin’ Shit Again
Blues may deal with depressing themes or issues of hardship but on the flipside, it also tends to be self-deprecating and laidback. “Talkin’ Shit Again” is a simple song featuring sparkling acoustic guitars and Ivor’s recognisable timbre. The stripped-back arrangement soothes pleasantly and hints that Ivor isn’t afraid to simply let a song be rather than meddle too much with overproduction. Tongue-in-cheek lyrics about trying to ignore someone who’s getting on your nerves can only bring a smile to your face, “He says he’s telling a joke. But he’s just breaking my zen, because I know he’s just talking shit again”.

Kiss On My Blues
Close your eyes and you can feel the humidity rise on your skin and the sound of crickets in the distance. “Kiss On My Blues” is a song that will transport you to New Orleans. With its driving stomping beat, Ivor is clearly having a lot of fun as his fingers skip along his guitar lightly. The track is delivered in a traditional blues structure and is just immensely likeable. Taking a less is more approach, Ivor lets his guitar playing do the talking. Its hypnotic marching beat keeps your attention moving along this album which is a part love letter to the blues and a homage to his spiritual home.

Sex, Drugs & Cigarettes
Sex, Drugs & Cigarettes is probably the best example on the album of Ivor’s approach to his music; embracing the old but flourishing with a fresh perspective. It’s a warm song that doesn’t take itself too seriously and instead conveys a ‘cest la vie’ attitude to life. Ivor has a strong ability to tell a story and he does so with an easy delivery in that toasty voice of his. This one will have you singing along by the song’s end with its relaxed vibe eliciting you to warble about the vices of life.

Coolness emanates from this track that embraces blues and roots motifs showing off a genuine talent for crafting a blues song that brings together slide guitars, a steady backbeat and gleeful melodies. The lively song could almost be called a dance track for those who enjoy a good groove.



Taste Your Lips
From the bravado of the previous songs, “Taste Your Lips” dials down the mood forging a contemplative view on life with Ivor musing at one point of the informal song, “I’m laying on my bed, leaving things unsaid around midnight.” Ivor ruminates on the sweet and sour of life even as he admits he’s “slipping under”. A key change halfway through twists the song with a jaunty rhythm and you can almost envision Ivor penning the song whilst on hiatus during the pandemic.

100 Dollar Bills
The South shines through brightly in “100 Dollar Bills”. Throughout “Mississippi Bound” Ivor has written each chapter to complement the narrative of the album whilst maintaining a comfortable pace. Where you would have an introspective song like “Taste Your Lips”, Ivor knows that a track like “100 Dollar Bills” is what’s needed to keep the spirit of the album buoyant as a whole. The track is another heel-stomping song where Ivor’s smooth vocals wash over the amiable track. It’s hard not to vibe along when the rhythm is so enticing.

Tomorrow Night
“Tomorrow Night” simmers down with its warm guitar licks, finger snaps and rolling momentum. It’s a song that you wanna listen to at the end of the day to ease the stresses away. Ivor is not interested in gimmicks, playing it straight and comes out the winner in this understated tune.

Down The Road
Blues music isn’t just a genre for Ivor it’s a way of being, and his love for the art is evident in all the nooks and crannies of “Mississippi Bound”. With “Down The Road” Ivor riffs on his guitar for at least half a minute. Not exactly caring about destination, content enough to enjoy the ride Ivor ambles along revelling in free and easy music that he’s created. It’s approachable blues that beckon you to come along for the journey.

Slow Down
Heading round the bend into the home stretch “Slow Down” does exactly that with Ivor’s track nudges us to take his advice to slow down. The pragmatic tone of the lyrics plays well with blues-incorporated flourishes of tambourines, yawning guitars and a drum that quietly keeps the rhythm metered. Verging into a country song “Slow Down” is Ivor subtly flexing his stylistic predilections. Given that the album was written during the pandemic when we all had to ‘slow down’, this song hits differently in hindsight today.

Sweet ‘n’ Low
Handclaps and syncopation give “Sweet ‘n’ Low” a honeyed warmth with its morish groove. Performed less like a spiritual song of blues but like quiet advice delivered by an artist who rolls with the punches, “Sweet ‘n’ Low” is a cruisey track that will win you over with its unpretentious delivery.

No Friend Of Mine
At this point, Ivor is thoroughly enjoying himself. Whereas this could be the moment to put in a song of pathos before the finale, Ivor decides he’s just going to give us a jam that rumbles along with a plucky chord progression and his precise vocal performance. Couple with “Sweet ‘n’ Low” the one-two punch is a solid example of why blues is such an irrepressible genre of music that has endeared itself to listeners for decades.

Dead Pig
“Dead Pig” may arguably be Ivor’s best song on “Mississippi Bound”. All the love, talent, blood, sweat and tears crackle through this moody roots and blues song. Ivor is at his most confident crooning his story whilst building up the tension with a steady back beat and quivering guitars. The song is richly textured and a wholly satisfying way to close out the album.


Ivor S.K may be an Australian but American blues courses through his veins, and with this new album “Mississippi Bound”, what once was Ivor’s journey to the South instead becomes a reference to him being bound to Mississippi and the secrets it holds. Any admirer of blues will find a friend and become a fan of Ivor S.K’s polished and accomplished album.


Ivor S.K.

Track Listing:

1. Mississippi Bound
2. I Don’t Roll
3. Get Up
4. Talkin’ Shit Again
5. Kiss On My Blues
6. Sex Drugs and Cigarettes
7. Wheelin’
8. Taste Your Lips
9. 100 Dollar Bills
10. Tomorrow Night
11. Down The Road
12. Slow Down
13. Sweet ‘n’ Low
14. No Friend Of Mine
15. Dead Pig


These songs have taken on that laid-back lilt of the deep south sounds you can’t help but fall into down in New Orleans. There’s a little bit of everything in there. It’s also the first album I’ve recorded since adding cigar box guitar to the quiver, another new character laden ally picked up since moving over here. Throw that in with rolling acoustic six string, deep swampy blues, raw soul and some sly humour, and I’m hoping there’s something for everyone to tap into.” – Ivor S.K.

“Mississippi Bound” is available on Ivor S.K. website and to download on all your favourite digital platforms.


Ivor S.K.


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Press Release 14th October 2022 (below) HERE

Australian Bluesman
set to release new album


Ivor S.K..