Project Description


(Single Review)

Review by: Melanie D Griffiths





With new single Nostalgia,  is back to grab you by the scruff of your jacket to bring you out of your funk. Her arsenal is the common ache of heartache, but the song’s message of ‘it’s darkest before the dawn breaks’ could be applied to a myriad of struggles life throws at us.

The song is fresher than a summer rain shower as , with her warm and inviting vocals, waxes lyrical about being young, in love and how life seem so much simpler… until it wasn’t. The beats pulse with a tribal rhythm making it one ripe to be embraced as a dance track. Adopting a ‘less is more’ approach with the mix gives the song a wonderful organic sound something which seems so adept at delivering.



But before you go open your Spotify app, watch her lovely lyric video on YouTube video (see below) which features a photo slideshow of curated by her parents. It’s adorable and completely relatable giving a glimpse into her very normal upbringing, the song will feel like a warm hug from your bestie.




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