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Album Review

(14th September 2022)

Review by Pete Gardner




Perth Power Metal behemoths Silent Knight are set to release their first album since 2017 and first new material since 2015, and Wow! Has it been worth the wait, with an album that does exactly what it says on the tin.

Full Force was finished mid way through last year, but with ongoing delays due to covid and a couple of the lads taking time off to start new families, the release was pushed back until now, in the meantime, the band have been teasing Perth metalheads with live performances of the new tracks as they headlined the Perth Rocks and Stormrider Festivals over the last 12 months. To celebrate the launch, the band have also released their own Full Force hot sauce, which I have been slathering over my dinners this week, more on that later…

The album opener, Blood on the Water, charges out of the gate and shows no mercy. The blitzkrieg assault of Dan Grainger’s drums, and Cameron Daw’s Bass, give the solid foundation to launch the duel attack of Cameron Nicholas and Stu McGills screaming guitars. New vocalist Dan Brittan’s voice bursts through with an unbelievable range as he nails the high notes and announces his arrival on the scene.

The track may be an allegory of todays social media wars, but wouldn’t be out of place as the soundtrack to a Hollywood blockbuster of battle on the high seas, with cutlass laden swashbuckling pirates swinging off the rigging above Man o’ War battleships firing full broadsides into each other.

There is no loss of pace as the title track gives its promised Full Force. Dan Grainger, is a master of his craft, with a combination of speed, timing and accuracy, he hits so many beats per minute, any number of Norwegian black metal bands would be hard pushed to keep up! Combine that with several solos from Nicholas, a true master of shredding, and Brittain’s falsetto screams cutting through the mayhem, the best thing to do it buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Blood on the Water and Full Force have both been out for a few weeks as the lead singles for the album, and the first new track to the ears, The Last Candle Burns, certainly doesn’t drop the ball. As with most of the tracks on the album, this is epic metal in widescreen, as battles rage and heroes rise and fall. 

Throughout the album, chief songwriters McGill and Nicholas use all the tropes of the genre. The influence of new wave of British heavy metal from the 80’s and any number of European power metal bands, is obvious, combined with a not insignificant nod to the likes of Yngwie Malmsteen, and even a small dash of early Rush finding its way into the blend.

The Iron Maiden influence can be heard strongly on Dark and Mysterious Times, evoking memories of Maiden’s Somewhere in Time era, albeit played at 3 times the speed. They do this however without falling into cliche, and like a fine blended whiskey, successfully create something greater than the sum of the parts. 



Screaming Eagles, a fitting tribute to the US Army’s famous 101st Airborne Division, starts with solid riff, unrelentingly driven by Grainger and Daw’s rhythm section, and multiple solo’s from Nicholas, is one of Dan Britain’s strongest vocal performances on the album, with the chorus a guaranteed earworm staying with you long after the song has finished.

Into Oblivion, and Awakenings are two of the most enjoyable tracks on the whole album, feeling like clinging on to an out of control freight train hurtling down the tracks, whilst Nicholas stands on the roof shredding through the solos like a crazed madman.

The close out the Album, Create a New World, returns to the epic storytelling of the first few tracks, with an anthemic chorus and a feeling of celebration as a fitting finale.

If there is any downside, it is there is no real change of pace between the tracks with everything played at breakneck speed, however the album is called Full Force and delivers exactly as promised, be honest you didn’t come here for ballads, did you. By the time you come up for air at the end and unbuckle the seat belt it feels like you have just been on a pretty intense rollercoaster ride.

What really contributes to this being such an enjoyable album is the excellent engineering, with clear separation between the guitars and drums and vocals instead of everything being lost in the mix. Nicolas’ guitar also can be heard crystal clear through he solos and Grainger’s drums, such a driving force of the sound, are mixed forward for a change, it is a pleasure to hear the cymbals clearly for once! 

Full Force is released on Sept 23rd, on all the usual platforms, Sadly no vinyl as yet, but CD and Cassette tape are available to order now, along the the above mentioned hot sauce! A great little collectors item, it almost felt a shame to crack open the bottle, but being a bit of a chilli head I had to try it. After dousing a few dinners I must say I’m not disappointed, really tasty with a good heat, and a touch of sweetness to offset the burn. Maybe, for a sauce called Full Force, I might have expected a few more scovilles, perhaps next time the recipe will use Reapers instead of Habanero’s!! Be warned, the Hot sauce is a very limited run, so get in quick!

Final thoughts, a totally enjoyable album, well worth the listen, just make sure you play it loud! In a just world Silent Knight should be selling out arenas on a world tour, instead you can see them in the next few weeks at this years Storm Rider festival at Badlands in Perth on 1st October for the album launch, and supporting Alestorm on 20th November at Magnet House, but be quick, ticket are selling fast! 


‘Full Force’ single is out now HERE

Pre-order ‘Full Force’ album & merch HERE



1. Blood In The Water
2. Full Force
3. The Last Candle Burns
4. Dark And Mysterious Times
5. Screaming Eagle
6. Into Oblivion
7. Awakening
8. Create A New World

Engineered by Cameron Nicholas
Mixed by Chris Themelco, Monolith Studios
Mastered by Thomas “Plec” Johansson, The Panic Room
Artwork by Andrej Bartulovic, All Things Rotten
Photography by Don Benson, Don Benson Photography



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Press Release 16th August 2022 (below) HERE

Perth Metal Powerhouse
Announce New Album

& Release Title Track






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