Project Description


Tokyo Art Museum


‘Don’t Want To Let You Down’
Single Review

(4th August 2022)

Review by Melanie Griffiths


Tokyo Art Museum.

Music teacher, one-man band and multi-instrumentalist Tokyo Art Museum have created with “Don’t Want To Let You Down” a poptastic gem of a track that gleams and catches the light whilst also addressing global environmental issues.



Tokyo Art Museum is the brainchild of Sydney musician Josh Lloyd. After being forced into lockdown and changing the way he approached music production Josh decided to focus all his attention on writing new material by himself. From there, Tokyo Art Museum began to take shape. Despite having never been to Japan, Josh appears to have incorporated a couple of thematic musical styles into “Don’t Want To Let You Down” which embraces a high-gloss approach to production that is reminiscent of indie-electro groups like Passion Pit, Gypsy and the Cat or even The 1975.


Tokyo Art Museum.

Admittedly it’s a departure from his usual sonic style with Josh acknowledging the track is “different to my usual moody stuff, it’s more of a groovy pop song.” “Don’t Want To Let You Down’s” lyrics bleed with a sense of responsibility and the weight that comes from people pleasing. Opening with a pulsating spacious synth intro, the song feels expansive as the handclaps come in keeping rhythm until the chorus explodes with a bright hooky melody. Written, recorded and produced by Josh, the artist has made a very solid effort and the song has come out a winner. With enough instrumentation like crashing cymbals and a saxophone, Josh builds the dance song with enough textural layers without it being overbearing. As well Josh’s empathetic vocals gel with the arrangement leaving you quite charmed by the result.

Word on the street is that Josh has more in store as “Don’t Want To Let You Down” marks a new creative chapter. If he keeps building on the amiable sound he’s created here, Tokyo Art Museum is onto a cool formula.

 ‘DON’T WANT TO LET YOU DOWN’ will be available across all digital platforms 5th August 


Tokyo Art Museum.



Press Release 5th August 2022 (below) HERE

gets grooving with the new single


Tokyo Art Museum
