Project Description

Veil Of Maya

‘Members Only’ 

(Single Review)

Reviewer: Connor Gutteridge

Veil of Maya



American metalcore band Veil Of Maya have released the first track – Members Only since their last album which was released in 2017 – False Idol. The band have been on the incline since forming as a band in 2004, touring all around the world and gaining more  of a fan base as the days go by. Marc Okubo (guitar), Sam Applebaum (drums), Danny Hauser (bass guitar) and Lukas Magyar (vocals) make up Veil Of Maya and the band are currently signed to American independent label Sumerian Records.



Starting off the track with a quick tempo with hard hitting riffs and unclean vocals from the first hit of the play button. The use of the octave chord variation to play the riff while keeping the root note walking through the minor scale in the beginning of the song before it transitions into a walking low end riff in the second phase of the verse.

Veil Of Maya are really well known for splitting their verses into phases of heavy riffs and dirty vocals before busting into their signature clean style choruses that we are fans all know and love; and they did not disappoint in this track either.

The chorus bringing in the sweet sound of cleans and melodic guitars to create the part of the song that will become an ear worm for days. They have chosen instead of using the common fashion of straight chords in the chorus for melodic effect they have incorporated pattern picking on the root notes in time with the kick drum so it’s still melodic but it’s to what would normally be taken as a non melodic pattern.

This is a cool technique that the band have incorporated really well in this track. However even though they have used this, they do still mix in some straight chords along with the patterns which I’m personally a big fan of as it shows structure to the arrangement without predictability.

They then break into the next part of the songs which sounds a lot like a sort of EDM trance section with the metal root backing for the second verse. The progressiveness in this song is a true statement to how well the song is put together as each section with the exception of the choruses is unique to itself within the track.



To much music is ABABC these days it’s nice to hear a mix up every once in a while. Oh and just in case the heavy seekers weren’t satisfied with the intro/verse 1, just wait till you get to the break down. Introduced by a dirty fat open chord that in itself tells you that something thick is about to happen. The reintroduction of the dirty vocals along side the palm muting pattern meshed with the random harmonics, this breakdown is a headbangers dream.

The synth solo was a bold move for the band to throw into the track but with the next transition being a primarily electronic influenced one, it wasn’t out of place at all and actually had me wondering for a second there whether it was actually a synth or in fact a guitar. I really like that they ended the track on the chorus as I feel that it’s the strongest part of the song.

Personal highlights for the song was the technicality of the guitar work making for an interesting progressive riff, and the power vocals in the chorus over that awesome chord progression.

All in all and awesome track from Veil Of Maya.


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