Project Description


@ The Crowbar, Brisbane


(Live Review)

Reviewer: Connor Gutteridge 


WAGE WAR // Photo – Matt Young




There are many ways that people view the future of the metal scene, some people think its dying, others think its bigger and badder than it ever has been. I tend to push towards option b and its bands like Wage War that make me think that way.

Deep in the heart of Brisbane holds a venue by the name of The Crowbar, now typically this venue is one of the smaller venues in Brisbane, but it holds some of the most memorable nights imaginable.

On this occasion it was the home of the Brisbane sideshow from their Australian tour with Polaris for American metal-core band Wage War. I’ve seen the Crowbar sold out a few times, but I don’t think I have ever seen so many people squeezed into the venue before.


WAGE WAR // Photo – Matt Young


It was hot, it was sweaty, maybe a little uncomfortable, but no one really cared because what they were about to lay witness to was potentially the future of the metal music scene and something truly special.

Having seen the band, the night before open for Polaris I knew they were going to be great; they completely blow my expectations out the window. This band for now being at the stage they are in their career are made for a small intimate venue, gaining back the thing they were lacking the night before in a big way.

The set-list from the band was a complete step up, playing a range of tracks from all three of their records and playing all the fan favourites along the way. Ranging everywhere from the intense mosh pit of ‘The river’ and ‘Stitch’ right through to the singalong in songs like ‘Gravity’ and ‘Me against Myself’. They even pulled out their ever-popular heartfelt song ‘Johnny Cash’ which had everyone in the crowd going insane.


WAGE WAR // Photo – Matt Young


The obvious crowd favourite fell on the shoulders of their smash hit ‘Low’ with every mouth in the place singing the chorus and every set of legs jumping during the verses. Could even see members of Crystal lake popping their heads through the back curtain and off to the wings of the stage during this song.

The band seemed to be faced with a little bit of adversity during the set with potential guitar rig issues and the fact that it was a thousand degrees. The impressive bit was how professional the band remained the entire time despite issues.


WAGE WAR // Photo – Matt Young


Speaking with Clean vocalist Cody Quistad before the show the band seem super keen on playing shows in Australia being that this is there second time in Australia and on top of that hope to always put on an awesome show for the fans that have supported them. This really showed in their live show as they put 100% of their energy into the show and could visibly see that they were enjoying themselves the entire time.

My personal highlight of the evening was when the band did their final song ‘Stitch’. The energy from the band and the crowd in this song was truly amazing to see. Being one of their heavier songs, the circle pits and hardcore moshing was on point.


WAGE WAR // Photo – Matt Young


Even members of Crystal Lake jumped on top of the pit and were crowd surfing along with the fans. To top it all off Ryo Kinoshita jumped up on stage with Wage War for the final breakdown of the track and was literally standing on the stage leaning into the pit screaming his heart out. This was a special moment as its obviously been a very long tour for both bands and to cap it off with a whole lot of fun was awesome to see.


WAGE WAR // Photo – Matt Young


Total step up in their game from the last time they were in Australia and watch out Metal scene, Wage War are coming. Venue was perfect, Supports were perfect, Wage War were perfect. Can’t wait to see what they do in the future.

Score: 10/10


Check out Matt Young’s gallery of the show here


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