Project Description


@ The Gov


(Live Review)

Reviewer: Chelsea Wood


YUNGBLUD // Photo – Deb Kloeden



‘Australia was the first place to believe in us man, and don’t you ever f***ing forget that man!’


It’s no surprise that YUNGBLUD has returned with a sold out tour. By tackling mental health stereotypes, politics, and date-rape culture through unapologetic lyrics and an infectious frenzied live show, YUNGBLUD has caught the attention of a dynamic audience. As it cooled down on Wednesday night, fans of all ages filled one of Adelaide’s best venues, The Gov, to catch the manic yet intelligent performer in action.With signature pink lighting flooding the stage and a dinosaur sat on a guitar amp, the sold out venue’s crowd deepened, filling the space from the front of the stage where fans were within touching distance, all the way to the back of the venue, with the crowd becoming rowdier as his set time drew nearer.

Appearing on stage with an assertive confidence, YUNGBLUD burst into opener, 21st Century Liability, with an attitude personifying the nature of the song. Strutting around the stage, his infectious energy reached the crowd, erupting the venue with a liveliness that showed no signs of slowing down. From here on in,  the rebellious and riotous tone of the night was set, with YUNGBLUD controlling the crowd with every move he made. ‘We all feeling good yeah? I’m YUNGBLUD and this is a song about Northern England,’ and with that, the opening guitar riff of I Love You, Will You Marry Me, made way for the crowd to take control of the song. Following this political stance came his debut, King Charles. While during the high-powered Psychotic Kids, one fan managed to get on stage, mirroring YUNGBLUD’s energy and moves. Anarchist followed, maintaining the mania of his performance, running from each end of the stage to the other, refusing to stay still throughout.

With his infectious charm and cheeky grin YUNGBLUD makes no mistake when emphasising the discussions of social issues that cannot be ignored. By using the stage as his literal platform, he introduced the anthem which was written to stamp out date-rape culture (Polygraph Eyes) with, ‘This song is so important man!’ The song’s message was heard loud and clear, with the audience near enough drowning YUNGBLUD out from its first line.


YUNGBLUD // Photo – Deb Kloeden


With a change of pace and tambourine in his hand, YUNGBLUD centred himself at the mic stand for new unreleased track, Ice Cream Man. Chucking the tambourine away at the end, Medication, and freshly released track, Loner are welcomed by being sung back by the crowd. YUNGBLUD then opens up the discussion of mental health before with Kill Somebody; ‘Talk about your anxiety and shit man. Talk to your mum, talk to your nan, talk to your cat..’ Armed with just his guitar, the song itself shows his vocal ability and provides the first slow paced moment of the night. California brought the energy level back before finishing his set with the loud, Tin Pan Boy.

After leaving the stage, Eulogy, the introductory track to 21 st Century Liability runs, and YUNGBLUD returns with the energy of starting a new show for the three track encore (Die for the Hype, Doctor Doctor, Machine Gun (F**k the NRA)).

With a set over an hour long and boasting his debut EP and album (21st Century Liability) in full, as well as some new songs chucked in the mix too, YUNGBLUD can’t be faulted on his dedication to the experience of his live show, covering every inch of the stage and making sure to connect with everyone who’s there. His attitude shown through his no nonsense approach resonates with that of British punk culture but it’s clear to see from the interaction with his fans that he is humbled, and a positive role model, defending those whose futures he believes have been stolen.


Check out Deb Kloeden‘s gallery of the show here

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